Customer Input

A number of customers (Under Secretary, Deputy Under Secretary, Agency Administrators, Headquarters Program Managers and Administrators, Area Directors, Research Leaders, Research Leader's Secretaries, Area Administrative Officers, and Location Administrative Officers) were asked for:

  1. Comments and recommendations on external and internal factors that would influence the delivery of administrative support services at all levels of the organization over the next 2-6 years.
  2. Critical service requirements for the next 2-6 years.
  3. Services that could be eliminated.
  4. Services that need to be added.
  5. Critical requirements AFM should be doing more effectively or efficiently.
  6. Other recommendations for doing business differently.
AFM customers and employees identified the most important external factors as congressional appropriations, Office of Management and Budget streamlining goals, regulatory reform, rapid technology change, and environmental and safety and health requirements. Internal factors are equally complicated. Both AFM customers and employees want to eliminate unnecessary internal rules and regulations and carry out essential business functions and decisions at the lowest appropriate level. To make good business decisions, AFM customers want direct access to integrated business systems that provide timely, accurate, and relevant information.

Within this context, several issues captured a broad base of support. Each issue has strategic implications, requires AFM to change the way it does business, and has an immediate impact on service improvement.

~   The Under Secretary's office expects AFM to serve as an objective source for policy analysis; be leaders in strategic planning; support the development of a diverse, multicultural REE workforce; and be a full partner in supporting the REE mission area as a national asset.

~   Agency Administrators, line managers, and program leaders throughout the REE mission area want assurances that AFM will be sensitive to their unique needs. They want AFM to anticipate their needs; develop rapid response capabilities; and provide objective, impartial advice and assistance. They identified three initial targets for service improvement:

  1. Streamline acquisition and human resources processes. In the eyes of AFM's customers, there are too many people involved in approving decisions, too much rigidity, and too much time devoted to these processes.
  2. Improve information technology capabilities. AFM customers report they do not have access to important automation tools, currently available technology, and integrated systems.
  3. Facilitate compliance with environmental management, hazardous waste clean up, and health and safety issues.
~   REE program personnel at all levels want to concentrate on their work, unencumbered by unnecessary rules and regulations. They want to work in a safe environment with facilities and equipment that match their needs. They need electronic access to others in the REE mission area, the Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, and our State and industry partners.

Introduction      AFM Mission Statement      Our Planning Process     Customer Input
Planning Assumptions       Annual Performance Planning      Strategic Outcomes, Goals and Objectives
Flowchart       Accomplishments       Glossary        Acknowledgement