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Abdalla, Charles W.
Epp, Donald J.
Roach, Brian A.
Valuing Changes in Drinking Water Quality Using Averting Expenditures (02/01/1990)Computer IconPennsylvania State University, Environmental Resources Research Institute
Abel, Fred H.
Tihansky, Dennis P.
Walsh, Richard G.
National Benefits of Water Pollution ControlEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington Environmental Research Center
Adams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
A Preliminary Assessment of Air Pollution Damages for Selected Crops Within Southern California, Volume III of Methods Development for Assessing Air Pollution Control Benefits (02/01/1979)Computer IconWyoming, University of
Adams, Richard M.
Crocker, Thomas D.
Thanavibulchai, Narongsakdi
An Economic Assessment of Air Pollution Damages to Selected Annual Crops in Southern CaliforniaWyoming, University of
Resource and Environmental Economics Laboratory
Adams, R. M.
Crocker, T. D.
Katz, R. W.
The Value of Natural Science Information in Economic Assessments of Pollution Control: A Methodology with ApplicationsWyoming, University of, Department of Economics
Adler, Kenneth J.
Anderson, Robert C.
Cook, Zena L.
Dower, Roger C.
Ferguson, Allen R.
Vickers, Margo J.
The Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator,
Volume I (05/01/1982)
Computer IconPublic Interest Economics Center
Adler, Kenneth J.
Anderson, Robert C.
Cook, Zena L.
Dower, Roger C.
Ferguson, Allen R.
Vickers, Margo J.
The Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator,
Executive Summary (06/01/1984)
Computer IconPublic Interest Economics Center
Adler, Kenneth J.
Anderson, Robert C.
Cook, Zena L.
Dower, Roger C.
Ferguson, Allen R.
Vickers, Margo J.
The Benefits of Regulating Hazardous Waste Disposal: Land Values as an Estimator, Volume II (06/01/1984)Computer IconPublic Interest Economics Center
Alberini, Anna
Black, Dan
Bloomquist, Glenn
Crocker, Thomas
DeShazo, George
Dickie, Mark
Gregory, Robin
Harrison, Glenn
Ikuhu, Kochi
Jenkins, Robin
Johnson, Reed
Keller, Robin
Krupnick, Alan
Neumann, Jim
Owens, Nicole
Smith, V. Kerry
Snyder, Brett
VanHoutven, George
Widawsky, Adam
Wiggins, Lanelle
Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction: Assessing the State of the Art for Policy Applications (02/01/2002)Computer IconAbt Associates
Bethesda, MD 20814
Allen, Eilaine
Becker, Betsy Jane
Berlin, Jesse A.
Morton, Sally C.
Olkin, Ingram
Rindskopf, David
Sampson, Allan R.
Wilson, David B.
Report of the EPA Work Group on VSL Meta-analysis (07/25/2006)Computer Icon
Allwood, James K.
Coleman, Raymond J.
Economic Analysis of Proposed Effluent Guidelines: The Poultry Meat Processing Industry (10/01/1974)Development Planning and Research Associates, Inc.
Amati, Alexander
Neubert, Brian
Day, Rob
Environmental Performance and Strategy at Weyerhaeuser (01/01/1997)Computer IconManagement Institute for Environment and Business,
A Program of the World Resources Institute
Anderson Jr., Robert J.Proceedings of a Symposium on Economic Approaches to Solid Waste Managment (05/01/1980)Mathtech, Inc.
Anderson Jr., Robert J.
Reid, Robert O.
Seskin, Eugene P.
An Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard, Executive Summary (09/17/1979)Computer IconMathtech, Inc.
Anderson Jr., Robert J.
Reid, Robert O.
Seskin, Eugene P.
An Analysis of Alternative Policies for Attaining and Maintaining a Short-Term NO2 Standard, Main Report (09/17/1979)Mathtech, Inc.
Anderson, Lee G.
Gauvin, John R.
Gray, Wayne
Johnson, Gary V.
Jones, Carol
Magat, Wesley A.
Malik, Arun S.
Rosenman, Robert
Russell, Clifford S.
Sutinen, Jon G.
Ulen, Thomas S.
Viscusi, W. Kip
Wasserman, Cheryl
Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement: Theory and Practice, Workshop (07/14/1987)Computer IconAssociation of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE)
Anderson, Robert
Kobrin, Paul
Regulatory Economic Analysis at the EPA (06/01/2000)Environmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.Economic Savings from Using Economic Incentives for Environmental Pollution Control (06/01/1999)Environmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.Evaluation of Economic Benefits of Resource Conservation (09/01/1978)Environmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.International Experiences with Economic Incentives for Protecting the Environment (11/01/2004)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.The United States Experience wtih Economic Incentives for Protecting the Environment (01/01/2001)Computer IconEnvironmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, National Center for Environmental Economics
Anderson, Robert C.
Berry, Donna
Benefits Study on Corrosive Water (01/01/1981)Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, Benefits Staff
Anderson, Robert C.
Kobrin, Paul
Introduction to Environmental Economics Research at EPA (03/01/1998)Environmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.
Lohof, Andrew Q.
The United States Experience with Economic Incentives in Environmental Pollution Control Policy (08/01/1997)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute
Anderson, Robert C.
Spiegelman, Richard D.
Impact of the Federal Tax Code on Resource Recovery (12/01/1976)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute
Ang, K.P.
Cukor, Peter M.
Pigford, Thomas H.
Cantrell, Robert T.
Keaton, Michael J.
Mann, Bruce J.
Comprehensive Standards: The Power Generation Case (06/01/1978)Teknekron, Inc., Energy and Environmental Engineering Division
Arnold, Frank S.An Evaluation of Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (05/18/1993)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute
Arnold, Frank S.Environmental Protection: Is It Bad for the Economy? A Non-technical Summary of the Literature (07/10/1999)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute
Arnold, Frank S.On the Relevance of Risk-Risk Analysis to Policy Evaluation (08/16/1995)Computer IconEnvironmental Law Institute

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