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Climate change may affect children differently than adults. Because children’s bodies are still developing and they interact differently with their environment, they suffer more than adults from the health effects of some environmental hazards. Changes in climate could increase some of those hazards. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will create a healthier environment where children live, learn, and play.

  • What is Climate Change? (PDF - 3 MB): Learn about the climate, the difference between climate and weather, and how and why the climate is changing.
  • What are the Effects of Climate Change? (PDF - 4 MB): Learn about long-term effects of climate change, evidence of climate change, and what will happen in the future.
  • How Does Climate Change Affect Children's Health? (PDF - 2 MB): Learn how climate change can affect children.
  • Climate Change and Children’s Health: Visit EPA’s Climate Change and Children’s Health Web page to learn about the effects that climate change may have on children’s health.
  • Video: Find out why you should get involved by watching an EPA Video interview with Ruth McCully, Director of EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education, promoting the new campaign to create a new climate for action. The video also features Ashley Sims, an Indiana University student working at EPA.
    Podcast available Podcast
  • Rap: Check out a rap about what you can do to address climate change and share it with your friends!
  • More Resources: Use these links to get smart on climate change and learn what you can do to make a difference.
  • Glossary: Learn some words related to climate change and its effects on children’s health.