Office for Civil Rights
Annual Report to Congress FY 2004

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To maximize its effectiveness in enforcing the civil rights laws, OCR monitors complaint and compliance review resolution agreements to ensure that the commitments made in these agreements are carried out. During FY 2004, OCR conducted 2,084 monitoring activities. Following are some examples that show OCR's impact on both individual students and groups of students when schools and colleges carried out their resolution agreement commitments.

  • A school district refused to allow a student with a disability to transfer to another school but allowed school transfers for students without disabilities. Pursuant to a resolution agreement with OCR, the district revised its transfer policy so that the policy applies equally to all students.

“I wish to thank you for your immense professionalism, cooperation, technical guidance, and expert management of this review throughout its duration. I personally derived invaluable knowledge and insight on the important role of your office in the continuing pursuit of equity and quality programs for public school children.”

July 1, 2004, letter from a school district official
after OCR completed compliance review

  • A school district was not exiting English language learner (ELL) students from its alternative language programs. The district later exited approximately 6,500 ELL students in one school year alone after it implemented its agreement with OCR. These students are increasingly successful in passing the state's high school competency examination and now have higher grade passing rates than students whose primary home language is English.

  • The number of participation opportunities for female athletes increased by 70 percent at a university after it implemented its agreement with OCR.

  • Students with diabetes were excluded from field trips in a school district. Also, staff was insufficiently trained to monitor and administer medications as needed during the school day and in extracurricular activities. These students are now joining their classmates on field trips, and the school district has adequately trained staff to serve the needs of students with diabetes.

  • Visually impaired students now have access to information resources and technical staff at a major university. The university is providing various publications in alternative formats and orientation on the use of assistive technology to students with disabilities.

  • After conducting a survey at its high school to assess the interests and abilities of its students, a school district added interscholastic girls' softball and volleyball teams. The new teams were provided the necessary equipment and supplies, and a facility was made available for the softball team.

  • Mobility-impaired students in one of the nation's largest school districts did not have access to magnet programs at 21 schools. The school district will soon complete renovations, including ramps, elevators, visual alarms, computerized card catalogs and signage, which will allow access of such students to more than 300 magnet programs.

  • American Indian students are no longer subject to discriminatory disciplinary procedures after a school district established a record-keeping system to ensure discipline is administered in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner. The district is also using a multicultural committee composed of parents and representatives of the local American Indian community to review disciplinary actions.

  • A student using a wheelchair was excluded from physical education and recreation because of conditions at her elementary school's track. The district made the track accessible, and she now can participate in athletic activities.

  • To come into compliance with Title IX regulatory requirements, a college that did not provide financial assistance on an equitable basis to its female athletes more than doubled the amount of such assistance during implementation of its agreement with OCR.

  • A school district had only two certified teachers for delivering services to ELL students, whose enrollment was increasing at a substantial rate. After implementing its agreement with OCR, the district now has 73 certified teachers for delivering such services.

  • Several state departments of education designated Title IX coordinators, adopted and disseminated nondiscrimination policies, and implemented grievance procedures to address complaints of sex discrimination.

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Last Modified: 11/01/2007