2005 Guidebook; Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1424

Geomorphology and Tectonics at the Intersection of Silurian and Death Valleys, Southern California

Edited by David M. Miller and Zenon C. Valin


satellite image
Landsat 7 image of the southern Death Valley and northern Silurian Valley area that is the subject of the field trip. Processing of the image by John Dohrenwend.

This publication describes results from new regional and detailed surficial geologic mapping, combined with geomorphologic, geochronologic, and tectonic studies, in Silurian Valley and Death Valley, California. The studies address a long-standing problem, the tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the intersection between three regional tectonic provinces: the eastern California shear zone, the Basin and Range region of southern Nevada and adjacent California, and the eastern Mojave Desert region. The chapters represent work presented on the 2005 Friends of the Pleistocene field trip and meeting as well as the field trip road log.

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Page Last Modified: March 3, 2008