Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park, Calif.

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1306
Version 1.0

Gravity Data from Newark Valley, White Pine County, Nevada

By Edward A. Mankinen and Edwin H. McKee


photo of dry countryside, dirt road, and Pony Express sign
Photograph taken in northern Newark Valley looking west toward the Diamond Mountains.

The Newark Valley area, eastern Nevada is one of thirteen major ground-water basins investigated by the BARCAS (Basin and Range Carbonate Aquifer Study) Project. Gravity data are being used to help characterize the geophysical framework of the region. Although gravity coverage was extensive over parts of the BARCAS study area, data were sparse for a number of the valleys, including the northern part of Newark Valley. We addressed this lack of data by establishing seventy new gravity stations in and around Newark Valley. All available gravity data were then evaluated to determine their reliability, prior to calculating an isostatic residual gravity map to be used for subsequent analyses. A gravity inversion method was used to calculate depths to pre-Cenozoic basement rock and estimates of maximum alluvial/volcanic fill. The enhanced gravity coverage and the incorporation of lithologic information from several deep oil and gas wells yields a view of subsurface shape of the basin and will provide information useful for the development of hydrogeologic models for the region.

Download this report as a 21-page PDF file (of2007-1306.pdf; 1.8 MB).

Download Table 1 as a .xls spreadsheet. This table contains gravity data obtained during the course of this study, and their associated parameters (of2007-1306_table1.xls; 24 kB).

Download Table 1 as a .csv document. This is an ASCII comma-separated-value file of the same data linked above (of2007-1306_table1.csv; 8 kB).

For questions about the content of this report, contact Ed Mankinen

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007