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* Center for Acquisition Excellence
* Energy Management and Environmental Services
* Engineering and Logistics
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* Furniture and Furnishings
* Global Supply - Computer Products & Accessories
* Global Supply - Furniture and Furnishings
* Global Supply - GSA Supply Catalog
* Global Supply - Housewares and Cleaning
* Global Supply - Industrial Supplies
* Global Supply - Kitchen & Breakroom Supplies
* Global Supply - Office Supplies
* Global Supply - Paints and Accessories
* Global Supply - Safety
* Global Supply - Tools and Hardware
* Global Supply - Wildland Fire
* GSA - Assisted Service
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This is the place to see and order publications, written
and produced by GSA. You will find everything here from
catalogs and the bi-monthly MarkeTips magazine to brochures
and CDs. Just use the functions at the left to search,
view, download and order any of hundreds of helpful GSA

The publications here will help you by:
   - highlighting products, specifications and
   competitive prices, in the GSA Global Supply
   catalogs and CDs;
   - providing guidelines on acquisitioning
   products and services through the
   GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program and
   Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs);
   - communicating ways to effectively manage
   your GSA SmartPay® purchase, fleet and travel
   card programs;
   - presenting you the options of travel, transportation,
   motor vehicle, technology offerings; and
   - giving you on-line tools information, including
   eBuy, AutoChoice, GSAAdvantage!®, GSA Fleet Drive-thru,
   TMSS, ITSS and more!

To order, you create a password-protected account with mailing
address information, subscription and opt-out preferences.
You may easily update your information at any time. Repeat
ordering is quick and simple.

Ordering from this Web site is free-of-charge as a GSA service to our
customer agencies and vendors. All orders ship through the US
Postal Service. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive your

Mark your calendar now for GSA Expo 2009, to be held
June 9 – 11 in San Antonio, Texas!

The acquisition experts at GSA specially designed this free training conference and vendor exhibition to
benefit all levels of government and military personnel
who manage programs, or influence or make acquisition
decisions. GSA stands ready to help you excel in the
business of government!

Benefits of GSA Expo 2009:
     ·Free CLP-certified training
     ·More than 750 GSA contracted vendor
      exhibits highlighting GSA's greater
      selection of products and services
     ·Networking opportunities with federal
      experts and vendor representatives
     ·Free meeting space to host your own agency meeting

Plan today to include Expo 2009 in your travel and
training budgets! For more info and to register visit


New! 2008 Wildland Fire Equipment Catalog

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