Unfortunately, no U.S. Web page can provide official information on world time zones because nations are sovereign powers that can and do change their timekeeping systems as they see fit. The information here is provided for general interest purposes only.

Click here for a map of world time zones (192K)

U.S. law on standard time zones
Time Zones Explanation by F.Pollastri
View the time offset from UTC for selected areas. Select all countries beginning with the letter(s):

A. . . B. . . C. . . D. . . E. . .
F. . . G. . . H. . . I. . . J. . .
K. . . L. . . M. . . N. . . O. . .
P. . . Q. . . R. . . S. . . T. . .
U. . . V. . . W. . . Y. . . Z. . .

To see selected timezone information, press this button: .

Time Service Dept., U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC