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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program
Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID)


Location: Nutrient Data

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
Collaboration between BIHW and USDA-ARS will support the development of quality control materials, a national sampling program and development and use of new and existing analytical methodologies for determining Vitamins D-2, D-3, (25-OH)D-2 and (25-OH)D-3 in selected foods. These data will be incorporated into various USDA databases, including the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
a) Work with BIHW to plan, conduct and evaluate the research outlined in this Agreement.

b) Conduct work directed toward accomplishing the cooperative efforts of this agreement. Such activities shall include:

i) Developing, characterizing and providing seven quality control materials for use in monitoring precision and accuracy of analyses of food samples for Vitamin D;

ii) Initiating the development of a comprehensive method for vitamin D-2, D-3, (25-OH)D-2 and (25-OH)D-3. In the first 6 months, provide for analysis of D-2 and D-3 to support characterization of quality control materials and limited food samples. In the following year, complete development of the comprehensive method.

iii) Drafting a plan for sampling foods across the nation to provide representative samples for analysis;

iv) Preparing a draft plan for sample handling and analysis of selected foods for Vitamin D content;

v) Initiating analysis of Vitamin D in foods;

vi) Reviewing, compiling, and disseminating analytical data for Vitamin D in foods and release data in USDA database products;

vii) Assigning personnel, equipment, supplies and facilities as needed to this cooperative effort. Such equipment and facilities will remain the property of USDA-ARS subject to its disposition.

3.Progress Report
This report documents research conducted under a Trust Fund Agreement between ARS and the Beverage Institute for Health & Wellness/Coca Cola (BIHW/CC). Additional details of research can be found in the report for the in-house associated project 1235-52000-051-00D, "Development of Accurate and Representative Food Composition Data for the U.S. Food Supply." As part of the National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP), Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL) collaborates with BIHW/CC to develop values for vitamin D in foods. Recently, the scientific community has focused attention on the need to assess the dietary intake of vitamin D. Specific data are needed on the forms of vitamin D, including D2 and D3, which can occur in foods, both naturally or from fortification. The NDL and BIHW/CC collaboration with recognized vitamin D experts has initiated an analytical program with 2 major goals:.
1)the review and development of methodology for analyzing items across a wide range of food matrices; and.
2)sampling and analysis of foods considered to be major contributors of vitamin D in the U.S. diet. During 2007, analysts from five labs tested available methods on selected food matrices and compared their results. Methods have been tested, modified in some cases, and validated against matrix-matched quality control samples to prepare for the analysis of sampled foods. To set priorities for analysis, NDL has identified fortified foods which are important contributors of vitamin D: fluid milks, orange juice, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, sliced American cheese, margarines, and yogurt. Fish were identified as good sources of naturally occurring vitamin D. A nationwide multi-stage sampling plan was designed and conducted to select and procure representative sample units of all foods of each type. Following the analysis of food samples and the review of results, acceptable values for Vitamin D2 and D3 will be disseminated in the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference ( for use in the assessment of intake of Vitamin D. Project progress and goals were monitored through weekly or monthly phone communication and emails with both the analytical chemist and the primary investigator at the cooperating laboratory.


Project Team
Holden, Joanne
Harnly, James - Jim
Exler, Jacob - Jake
Lemar, Linda
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
  Human Nutrition (107)
Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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