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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Outcome Focused Care Management: Community Health Workers, Social Workers and Nurses

Text Description is below the image.

Image of a young healthcare worker holding a baby and sitting next to her is an older woman.


The American Institute of Medicine, and multiple Medicaid Reform recommendations strongly recommend care management as the key to disparity reduction.

A care manager reaches out beyond the hospital or clinic. The individuals most at risk most likely to become victims and simply another number to add to the disparity equation will not show up in your waiting room they will show up by ambulance unless they are identified, their barriers addressed and confirmed to receive critical evidence based health and social service interventions.

Care managers can be nurses, social workers or community health workers. CHAP identifies CHWs from and part of the community trains them with college credit and deploys them to target the neighborhoods most at risk.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care