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Veterans' Program Letter No. 1-98

October 8, 1997

Veterans' Program Letter No. 1-98

To: All regional administrators and directors for veterans' employment and training

All state employment security agency administrators (SESAS)

All regional administrators, employment and administration (ETA info)

From: Espiridion "AL" Borrego Acting Assistant Secretary

Subject: Nominations to attend training classes offered by the National Veterans Training Institute (NVTI)

I. Purpose: To notify the SESAs and Department of Labor (DOL), Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) staff of the availability of 1997 NVTI training classes, future course offerings and procedures for processing nominations to attend such training.

II. References: This VPL supersedes all previous issuances pertaining to the nomination process for attending NVTI training.

III. Background: Due to limited contract funding, NVTI course offerings have been limited to approximately sixty (60) classes per contract year (March-February Training slots are allocated to SESAs based on a proportional reduction to their requests and availability of slots. Although the original allocations have been filled, NVTI will be offering additional Case Management classes and one Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Facilitator class this calendar year. The classes and dates that they will be offered are as follows:

Case Management #50 - December 1-5, 1997

Case Management #51 - December 8-12,1997

Case Management #52 - December 8-12,1997

TAP #91 - December 8-12,1997

With the limited availability of training slots, nominations to attend NVTI classes must be carefully considered and reviewed to ensure that appropriate individuals attend. Unfortunately, it has been reported that some individual Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program Specialists (DROPS) and Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVERs) attending NVTI classes are either within one year of retirement or are not involved in the activities for which the course training objectives are designed (e.g., TAP workshop facilitators, case management). VETS and SESA staff must coordinate closely to ensure that limited NVTI training resources are targeted to those staff directly involved in the activities for which they will be trained and are otherwise appropriate nominations for attendance.

VETS has also formed a working group to revise the cur-rent NVTI training curriculum. The Professional Skills Development Course (Core I) and the Veterans Benefits Course (Core II) will no longer be offered. Instead, another course (as yet untitled) is being developed which is designed to improve DVOP and LVER staff use of advancing technologies and provision of individualized job development services for veterans. The course will be offered in early 1998 and will be targeted to new DVOP and LVER staff and those who have not previously attended NVTI core training. The Case Management Course will be targeted to those DVOP and LVER staff in States that have implemented VETS case management policy, and particularly those stationed at One-Stop Career Centers. Detailed guidance on the nomination process for NVTI training classes in 1998 will be issued in a separate VPL.

IV. Action Required:

A. SESA nominations to attend the three Case Management and TAP Facilitator courses being offered in December of 1997 are to be carefully reviewed for appropriateness and forwarded to the Director for Veterans' Employment and Training (DVET) by October 24,1997. Priority consideration for nominees to attend these Case Management course offerings should be given to staff stationed in One-Stop Career Centers.

B. DVETs should review and approve appropriate SESA nominations for the December 1997 course offerings. Approved nominations should be forwarded to NVTI by October 29,1997. Nominations can be submitted by DVETS to Mr. Ron Montoya or Mr Jim Deal at NVTI either by (1) E-Mail at, or (2) by fax at (303) 825-0977, or (3) by telephone (followed by hard copy) at (800) 331-0562.

V. Inquiries: SESA questions should be directed to the appropriate DVET. VETS inquiries should be directed to the Regional Office or to Tom Sullivan in the VETS National Office at (202) 219-9105

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