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Location: Leetown, West Virginia

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
The objective of this cooperative research project is to assess the genetic and diet effects on growth and reproduction in rainbow trout.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
The research is based on the results we obtained from the phase I study (RCA number 58-1930-3-344) and for all purposes can be treated as continuation of the phase I study. The goal of the study is to test for genetic and diet effects on growth and reproduction in the rainbow trout strains of Troutlodge, Inc. Fish from 100 half-sib families (100 dams crossed to 50 sires) will be pooled together prior to hatching and divided into two groups. One group will be fed a fishmeal diet and the other will be raised on a plant protein based diet. At the end of the growth trial 1000 individuals from each group will be sampled randomly, measured for weight and length and will be genotyped with microsatellite markers for parentage identification. Each family will be ranked by the average growth performance of the sampled progeny. The family assignment will be used to determine the family (i.e. genetic) effect on growth and to test for family by diet interactions. In other words, do the same fish that grow better in the standard fishmeal diet also perform better on the plant protein-based diet? Additionally, fish that were raised on plant diets in the phase I experiment will be spawned to evaluate viability of eggs and fry and other reproduction traits.

3.Progress Report
This serves to document research conducted under a reimbursable agreement between ARS and Troutlodge, Inc. entitled, “Genetic and diet effects on growth rate and reproduction in the rainbow trout strains of Troutlodge, Inc.” Ten thousand fish from 95 full-sib families were each grown on a traditional fish meal diet or a plant protein/oil based diet. A significant genetic x diet effect was detected which accounted for 5% of the random variation, the genetic correlation for growth was 73%. The genetic variation we identified can be explored to identify and select for genes involved in improved utilization of plant based diets. The ADODR is in frequent contact with the cooperator through phone calls, email, and annual site visits in addition to receipt of written reports.


Project Team
Palti, Yniv
Silverstein, Jeff
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
Related National Programs
  Aquaculture (106)
Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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