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EPA - Geospatial Quality Council Membership

The EPA Geospatial Quality Council is composed of cross-organizational, multi-disciplined staff consisting of: Remote Sensing Specialists, QA Professionals, GIS Analysts, GPS Specialists, Information Technology & Management Specialists, and Law Professionals.
Members include EPA personnel from all Program Offices, Regional Offices, and Laboratories across the country.  
Due to laws and regulations, "Non-EPA" members may not contribute to the writing of federal rules, regulations, guidelines, etc. Non-EPA members may review and comment on federal documents when released for public review. The non-EPA members have agreed to be available for free consultation within reason. The extent of free consultation shall be determined by each non-EPA member. Membership in the EPA - Geospatial Quality Council does not constitute endorsement of non-EPA member's products or services. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the U.S. EPA

  • Federal and State Sector
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Federal Geographic Data Committee
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
State of New Jersey
  • Institutions of Higher Learning Sector
Russell G. Congalton, Ph.D. Department of Natural Resources
  University of New Hampshire
Michael F. Goodchild, Ph.D. Department of Geography
  University of California
  • Private Sector
Mitch Beard EarthSoft, Inc.
Ken Markowitz, JD Earthpace, LLC
Richard Lysakowski, Ph.D. Collaborative Electronic Notebook Systems Association
Robert J. van Waasbergen Applied Environmental Data Services

Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
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