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DOT LogoMemorandum
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Subject: ACTION: FHWA's Management Directive-715 Report for FY 2005
Date:  March 10, 2006

J. Richard Capka
Acting Administrator

Frederick D. Isler signature

Reply to Attn of: HCR-10

Associate Administrators
Chief Counsel
Directors of Field Services
Resource Center Managers
Division Administrators
Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers

Attached is the FHWA's Management Directive-715 (MD-715) Report for FY 2005.  The MD-715 requires agencies to take appropriate steps to ensure that all employment decisions are free from discrimination.  The MD-715 sets forth the standards by which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will review the sufficiency of the Agency's Title VII and Rehabilitation Act programs, which include periodic Agency self-assessments and the removal of barriers which hinder free and open workplace competition.  The MD-715 Report is required by EEOC as a means of determining whether agencies are meeting the requirements specified in the MD-715.

Several of the action items cited in the MD-715 Report require an in-depth barrier analysis to determine where FHWA is deficient based on EEOC's requirements and whether an action plan is needed to eliminate any deficiencies found. The Office of Civil Rights has developed a work group to conduct a comprehensive barrier analysis of the Agency's policies, procedures, and practices to identify and eliminate any conditions that impede the progress of any specific group of employees or applicants for employment. The work group's findings will include an action plan for implementation by the Agency to: (1) overcome any deficiencies and barriers; (2) identify the officials responsible for implementation; and, (3) identify target dates for completion of the objectives.

The MD-715 Report also shows that Hispanic individuals and persons with targeted disabilities are underrepresented in the FHWA workforce. The FHWA has made progress in implementing the recommendations in the Hispanic Employment Program Plan, particularly in filling entry-level positions. A recruitment team is currently looking at different approaches for filling mid-career positions. The FHWA has also made significant strides in our recruitment and retention of persons with disabilities. To give added emphasis to this important initiative, I recently announced the formation of a work group, headed by Mike Vecchietti and Allen Masuda, to assess how FHWA can strengthen and improve its commitment to employees in the disabled community.

Our success in these areas is directly attributable to the outstanding efforts of our Headquarters and field managers to find and recruit Hispanic individuals and persons with disabilities. However, we now have an even greater challenge ahead of us. As Frederick Isler recently announced, the Departmental Office of Civil Rights has designated 3 percent as the goal for hiring persons with targeted disabilities. We will need your help to ensure that FHWA makes every effort to improve our hiring of persons with targeted disabilities in order to make progress in achieving this important goal. As offices have vacancies, they should be working with their servicing Human Resources Specialist and the Office of Civil Rights to help increase outreach to attract diverse candidates, especially Hispanic individuals and persons with targeted disabilities.

Finally, please make every effort to ensure that FHWA meets the requirements of MD-715 by implementing the actions outlined in the MD-715 Report. Additional information about the MD-715 Report and its contents can be obtained from the Office of Civil Rights.


EEOC Form 715-01 Parts A – D

EEOC Form 715-01 Part E

EEOC Form 715-01 Part F

EEOC Form 715-01 Part G

EEOC Form 715-01 Part H

EEOC Form 715-01 Part I

EEOC Form 715-01 Part J

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SUBJECT: Management Directive-715 (MD-715) Report

ISSUE: Acting Administrator Rick Capka's approval/signature needed for the Memorandum disseminating the FY 2005 MD-715 Report to FHWA officials, managers, and supervisors


The MD-715 requires agencies to take appropriate steps to ensure that all employment decisions are free from discrimination. The MD-715 sets forth the standards by which EEOC will review the sufficiency of Agency Title VII and Rehabilitation Act programs, which include periodic Agency self-assessments and the removal of barriers, which hinder free and open workplace competition.

The MD-715 also requires an annual report of the Agency's actions to meet the requirements of the directive. Acting Administrator Rick Capka approved the FHWA's FY 2005 MD-715 Report.


It is the responsibility of each FHWA official, manager, and supervisor to take the necessary action to ensure that the FHWA meets the requirements of MD-715 by implementing the action items outlined in the MD-715 Report. A Memorandum from Rick Capka is needed to disseminate the FY 2005 MD-715 Report to the FHWA officials.

POINT OF CONTACT: Brenda Armstead    HCR-40     366-1583

SUPERVISOR: Frederick D. Isler, Associate Administrator for Civil Rights

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