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Location: Insect Behavior and Biocontrol Research Unit

2006 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter?
Research conducted by the Insect Behavior and Biological Control Unit of the Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology is necessary to limit the movement of insects from non-crop plants into adjacent agricultural environments, and to prevent the range expansion of invasive pests, such as Frankliniella thrips and the cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum. Although the scale of control and available techniques differ with particular species and circumstances, the goal remains to limit crop exposure and to prevent environmental damage through biologically based, non-chemical, barriers to pest reproduction and dispersal. The proposed research is multidisciplinary and integrates weed biological control, insect biological control, and insect physiology to restrict the spatial distributions of disease-vectoring thrips and the invasive cactus moth. Anticipated results include: Thrips- reduction in the incidence of thrips and thrips-vectored diseases through the biological control of weedy reservoirs of thrips and pathogens adjacent to solanaceous crops combined with the manipulation of non-crop plant diversity to conserve and augment natural enemies of thrips; Cactus moth- the development of control strategies that combine Sterile Insect Technique, natural enemies, and attractants and traps to prevent the spread of the invasive cactus moth into vulnerable areas of the USA and Mexico. These projects will lead to IPM strategies that are generally applicable to other pest problems. This CRIS addresses the following six components of the NP304 Crop Production and Quarantine National Program action plan: the study of the biology of pests and natural enemies (Component II); plant, pest and natural enemy interactions and ecology (Component III); pest control technologies (Component V); Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems and area-wide suppression programs (Component VI); study of weed biology and ecology (Component VII); and biological control of weeds (Component IX).

Because of the nature and extent of many insect and plant pest problems, chemical pesticides are ineffective and not sustainable. One of the major pests of vegetable and other crops are thrips because of their direct feeding damage and their ability to transmit plant pathogens. Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and related viruses, which are transmitted by thrips are a major limiting factor in the production of vegetable and ornamental crops not only in the southeastern USA, but globally, with losses of $1 billion annually. Insecticide based management programs have become increasingly ineffective because of the development of resistance and because of the speed at which virus transmission can occur. Alternative biological and cultural controls are needed to reduce the incidence of tospoviruses to economically tolerable levels for vegetable and ornamental growers.

Many of the weeds in the United States are of foreign origin, introduced without any of the natural enemies that control them in their native habitat. Invasive weeds replace natural and cultivated plant communities, resulting in widespread disruption of ecosystems that support cities, agriculture, and natural areas. The application of herbicides or mechanical removal of weeds is often not economically feasible and can cause extensive collateral environmental damage. The introduction of natural enemies has been and is a potential solution to controlling weeds. However, it is imperative that biological control agents be rigorously evaluated for safety and efficacy, those previously released, and those considered for future releases. For example, the South American cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, a biological control agent of invasive cacti, was found in Florida for the first time in 1989 and has spread along the coastal areas of the southeastern USA as far as Alabama and South Carolina. Because C. cactorum is capable of damaging numerous species of Opuntia, it poses a great risk to the economically important and native prickly pear cacti of the U.S. and Mexico. Prickly pear cacti are keystone components of desert ecosystems and vital in supporting biodiversity. These cacti are also important agricultural commodities. In Mexico prickly pear products comprise 2% of agricultural production, and in the U.S., production is estimated at $70 million annually, including Opuntia used as cattle fodder during droughts, landscape and nursery stock, and Opuntia fruit and stem production on small farms.

2.List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress)

Objective 1 Integrate weed and insect biological control to reduce the spread of disease-vectoring thrips into agricultural environments. • Determination of reproductive hosts and TSWV reservoirs. • Effect of G. boliviana herbivory on F. occidentalis and TSWV transmission. Objective 2 Develop biologically-based techniques to limit the spread of the invasive cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum • Testing pheromone blends and trap modifications. • Life history of C. cactorum. • Dispersal of irradiated and unirradiated C. cactorum. • Assessment of natural parasitism of C. cactorum and native cactus moths.

FY 2007

Objective 1 Integrate weed and insect biological control to reduce the spread of disease-vectoring thrips into agricultural environments. • Determination of reproductive hosts of thrips and TSWV reservoirs. • Effect of G. boliviana herbivory on F. occidentalis and TSWV transmission. • Barrier Plant effects on O. insidiosus and thrips

Objective 2 Develop biologically-based techniques to limit the spread of the invasive cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum • Testing pheromone blends and trap modifications • Life history of C. cactorum • Dispersal of irradiated and unirradiated C. cactorum • Opuntia cacti host-range • Assessment of natural parasitism of C. cactorum and native cactus moths

FY 2008

Objective 1 Integrate weed and insect biological control to reduce the spread of disease-vectoring thrips into agricultural environments. • Variation in F. occidentalis performance across different host plants. • Dispersal of Frankliniella occidentalis into crops • Refuge Plant effects on O. insidiosus • Chemical Analysis of O. insidiosus

Objective 2 Develop biologically-based techniques to limit the spread of the invasive cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum • Dispersal of irradiated and unirradiated C. cactorum • Opuntia cacti host-range • Host preference (sterile vs fertile) and host performance of Trichogramma FY 2009

Objective 1 Integrate weed and insect biological control to reduce the spread of disease-vectoring thrips into agricultural environments. • Variation in F. occidentalis performance across different host plants. • Dispersal of Frankliniella occidentalis into crops • Refuge Plant effects on O. insidiosus • Barrier Plant effects on O. insidiosus and thrips • Chemical Analysis of O. insidiosus

Objective 2 Develop biologically-based techniques to limit the spread of the invasive cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum • Opuntia cacti host-range • Host preference (sterile vs fertile) and host performance of Trichogramma • Integration of SIT and parasitoids, and their effect on C. cactorum


Objective 1 Integrate weed and insect biological control to reduce the spread of disease-vectoring thrips into agricultural environments. • Refuge Plant effects on O. insidiosus • Barrier Plant effects on O. insidiosus and thrips • Chemical Analysis of O. insidiosus

Objective 2 Develop biologically-based techniques to limit the spread of the invasive cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum • Integration of SIT and parasitoids, and their effect on C. cactorum

4a.List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006.
Validation of invasive cactus moth SIT (NP304 Crop Protection and Quarantine; Component VI): A control methodology is needed that halts the westward spread of the invasive cactus moth into areas of high cactus biodiversity and areas where cactus is an important agricultural, horticultural, and cultural plant. Year-round releases of sterile moths accompanied with removal of infested cactus plants and immature moths (sanitation) were compared against sanitation efforts alone. The release of sterile moths in combination with sanitation resulted in substantial reduction in pest population levels. This validates the concept that a Sterile Insect Technique program could be used to prevent the moth’s spread and control of isolated outbreaks North America.

4b.List other significant research accomplishment(s), if any.
Attractant and trapping of invasive cactus moth (NP 304 Crop Protection and Quarantine, Components II and VI): The invasive cactus moth threatens the numbers and diversity of cactus in the southwestern USA and Mexico and has potential serious consequences for both food producers and ornamental horticulturalists. A monitoring technique was developed that identifies the presence and seasonal flight activity of the invasive cactus moth. An insect trapping system baited with an experimental female sex pheromone identified three annual generations its introduced range along the coastal areas from Charleston, SC to Mobile, AL. Traps are being deployed beyond the known leading edge of this pest insect to identify its spread into new areas. The monitoring technique has also been incorporated in the SIT program against the cactus moth to evaluate dispersal of released sterile insects and presence of “hot spots” that require control measures.

Egg production in predaceous insects (NP 304 Crop Protection and Quarantine, Component II): Insect predators can have significant impacts on pest populations, but this impact may differ with the nutritional qualities of the prey. In order to better deploy or encourage the presence of various predators it is important to estimate their growth and activities under different circumstances. The process of egg production in was studied in four species of generalist predators to provide insights into their use in biological control programs. Laboratory studies showed that numbers of immature eggs increased with predator age, whereas numbers of mature eggs declined, providing clear indication of continuous egg production during the adult stage. This insight will allow future research that will focus on the effects of different prey in adult diets and the corresponding degree of control they provide.

Plant-derived thrips repellents (NP 304 Crop Protection and Quarantine, Components II, III, VI and IX): Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and related viruses, which are transmitted by thrips are a major limiting factor in the production of vegetable and ornamental crops in the southeastern USA and globally. Insecticide based management programs have become increasingly ineffective because of the development of resistance and because of the speed at which virus transmission can occur. As an alternative to chemical pesticides, compounds derived from sunflowers are highly repellent to thrips and treating tomatoes with certain plant-derived essential oils in a novel manner can significantly reduce the incidence of tomato spotted wilt. These new techniques will provide growers with economically and environmentally sustainable means to manage thrips and tomato spotted wilt and to reduce synthetic insecticide use in tomatoes.

4c.List significant activities that support special target populations.

4d.Progress report.
Prey preference by Delphastus catalinae, predator of whitefly: Plant species and insect stages were studied for their effects on feeding by predator Delphastus catalinae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). To study the influence of plant species, immature whitefly prey were presented simultaneously to starved predator adults on leaf cuttings of five different plant species: cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller), Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walpers ssp. unguiculata) and collard (Brassica oleracea var. acephala DC). Percentage predation over 24 h was significantly highest on cotton, followed in rank order by collards, cowpea and tomato, and lowest on Hibiscus. Significantly higher numbers of eggs were consumed compared with small or large nymphs. These findings suggest that among the plant species tested, Delphastus catalinae may be most effective on early-season cotton or immediately after whitefly infestation when eggs are predominant.

5.Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact.
The Sterile Insect Technique substantially reduces level of the invasive cactus moth, especially when combined with sanitation efforts. This control methodology could halt the westward spread of the invasive cactus moth into areas of high cactus biodiversity and areas where cactus is an important agricultural, horticultural, and cultural plant.

The monitoring technique for the invasive cactus moth has also been incorporated in the SIT program against the cactus moth to evaluate dispersal of released sterile insects and presence of “hot spots” that require control measures.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
The SIT and monitoring procedures for the invasive cactus moth are being made available for use by end users such as APHIS to help halt the westward spread of the cactus moth.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).
Presentations to public of agricultural research: North Florida Horticultural Field Day Gadsden County Tomato Growers’ Association Gadsden County Times, 6/7/2006 Sunbelt Agricultural Expo in Moultrie, GA Florida State Science Fair in Tampa, FL Monarch Butterfly Festival at St. Marks Wildlife Refuge Elementary school students in laboratory tours FAMU-College of Engineering, Sciences, Technology and Agriculture annual career fair CESTA-FAMU summer agricultural sciences RATLR program, Tallahassee, FL. FAMU Forestry and Conservation Education Program, Tallahassee, FL. Monarch Butterfly Festival, St, Marks Wildlife Refuge, St. Marks, FL, October 2005 North Florida Fair, Tallahassee, FL Florida A&M Grape and Biological Control Field Day FAMU Entomology Field Day FAMU Reach Out Day

Popular Press Articles:

Dickson, T. Glynn 4-H teens studying invader. The Florida Times-Union. April 14, 2006,

Legaspi, J. C. 2006. A first view of ovigeny in predators. FAMU-CBC Newsletter. Vol 5(1).

Mlot, C. Protecting prickly pear cactus: An invasive runs into a roadblock. Nature Conservancy Magazine. Summer 2006, p. 15.

McIntyre, L. Moth imperils native cactus. The American Gardener 85(4): 48-49. July/August 2006.

Simpson, J. Island prickly pear cacti under Government surveillance. Newsletter of the Okaloosa Island Leaseholders Association. November 2005, p. 4.

Scientific Presentations:


Carpenter, J.E., C.D. Tate, and S.D. Hight. Research and Management of the Invasive Cactus Moth Using the Sterile Insect Technique. Oral Presentation. Invited Speakers. Rare Plant Task Force. Tallahassee, FL, 2006.

Hight, S. D. Studies of mating behavior, pheromone production, and adult flight activity to monitor the spread of the Cactus moth, or Kinsey gets back to his entomologicial roots. Symposium: Cactus Moth: The Problem, Impacts, and a Cooperative Effort at Detection and Test of a Containment Strategy, or Don't Let Cacto Blast US! Entomological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. November 2005.

Hight, S. D. Research Goals and Progress Updates. APHIS Cactoblastis Operational Planning Meeting, Pensacola, FL, June 22, 2006.

Legaspi, J. C. Life history and biochemical assessment of reproductive fitness of the predator, Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera). Integrated Pest Management class. Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, 2005

Reitz, S. R. Tospoviruses – Vector Species, Plant Hosts, and Diagnostics. Thrips Sampling and Identification Workshop. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. March 2006.

Reitz, S. R. Do Little Differences in Little Things Matter? The Behavioral Ecology and Management of Thrips. USDA-CMAVE, Gainesville, FL. February 2006.


Reitz, S. R., G. Maiorino, L. Ritchie, S. Olson, R. Sprenkel, A. Crescenzi, M.T. Momol. 2006. Plant Essential Oils and Particle Films for the Management of Tomato Spotted Wilt on Tomatoes. American Phytopathological Society, Quebec, QC.

Reitz, S. R., G. Maiorino, L. Ritchie, S. Olson, R. Sprenkel, A. Crescenzi, M.T. Momol. 2006. New Approaches for the Management of Tomato Spotted Wilt on tomatoes with Plant Essential Oils and Particle Films. 37th International Symposium of Essential Oils. Grasse, France.

Reitz, S. R. 2005. Plants and Predators and the Choices that Thrips Make. Entomological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Paini, D., J. Funderburk, C. T. Jackson and S. R. Reitz. 2005. Interspecific larval competition between two thrips species (Frankliniella occidentalis and F. tritici) on two plant hosts. Entomological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Paini, D., J. Funderburk, C. T. Jackson and S. R. Reitz. 2005. Quit your bellyaching kid, I’m trying to watch my soap opera: Optimal oviposition in thrips. VIII International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Tospoviruses, Pacific Grove, CA.

Legaspi, J. C. M. A. Jervis and B. C. Legaspi, Jr Ovigeny in selected generalist predators. Annual Meeting of the Florida Entomological Society of America. Jupiter, FL, July 23-26, 2006.

Simmons, A. M. and J. C. Legaspi. Can Delphastus catalinae, a predator of whiteflies, survive mild winters? Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, December 15-18, 2005.

Review Publications
Hight, S.D., Carpenter, J.E., Bloem, S., Bloem, K. 2005. Developing a sterile insect release program for Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): Effective overflooding ratios and release-recapture field studies. Environmental Entomology 34:850-856.

Legaspi, Jr., B.C., Legaspi, J.C. 2005. Foraging behavior of field populations of Diadegma spp. (Hymenoptera: Icneumonidae): testing for density-dependence at two spatial scales. Journal of Entomological Science. 40:295-306.

Legaspi, J.C., Legaspi, Jr, B. 2005. Life table analysis for Podisus maculiventris immatures and female adults under four constant temperatures. Environmental Entomology. 34(5):990-998.

Bloem, S., Hight, S.D., Carpenter, J.E., Bloem, K.A. 2005. Development of the most effective trap to monitor the presence of the cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida Entomologist. 88(3):300-306.

De Assis Filho, F., Stavisky, J., Reitz, S.R., Deom, C.M., Sherwood, J.L. 2005. Midgut infection by tomato spotted wilt virus and vector incompetence of Frankliniella tritici. Journal of Applied Entomology. 129:548-550.

Milla, K., Reitz, S.R. 2005. Spatial/temporal model for survivability of pea leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis)in warm climates: a case study in South Florida, USA. European Journal of Scientific Research. 7:65-73.

Reitz, S.R., Funderburk, J.E., Waring, S.M. 2006. Differential predation by the generalist predator Orius insidiosus on congeneric species of thrips that vary in size and behavior. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 119:179-188.

Mclean, S.C., Bloem, K.A., Bloem, S., Hight, S.D., Carpenter, J.E. 2006. Effect of temperature and length of exposure time on percent egg hatch of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida Entomologist. 89(3):340-347.

Reitz, S.R. 2005. Biology and ecology of flower thrips in relation to tomato spotted wilt virus. Acta Horticulture. 695:75-84.

Adkins, S.T., Momol, M., Dankers, H., Reitz, S.R., Olson, S. 2006. First report of tomato spotted wilt virus in tomatillo in florida. Plant Health Progress.

Legaspi, J.C., Simmons, A.M., Legaspi, Jr., B.C. 2006. Prey preference in Delphastus catalinae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae): effects of host plant and prey stages. Florida Entomologist. 89:218-222.

Bloem, S., Mizell III, R.F., Bloem, K.A., Hight, S.D., Carpenter, J.E. 2005. Laboratory evaluation of insecticides for control of the invasive cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Florida Entomologist. 88(4):395-400.

Avila, Y., Stavisky, J., Hague, S., Funderburk, J., Reitz, S.R., Momol, T. 2006. Evaluation of Frankliniella bispinosa (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) as a vector of tomato spotted wilt virus in pepper. Florida Entomologist. 89:204-207.


Project Team
Reitz, Stuart
Sivinski, John
Hight, Stephen
Legaspi, Jesusa - Susie
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
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  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)
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Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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