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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Top News

Secretary Gutierrez on the podium.

File Photo

Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Hails 2nd Quarter Growth Spurt Driven by Booming Record Exports

Washington (Aug. 30)—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez released the following statement on the preliminary estimate of real gross domestic product (GDP), which showed that the American economy grew at 4.0 percent in the second quarter of 2007. (More)

Photo of Sheetz, Graham and others at check presentation. Click here for larger image.

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Photo

EDA Investment to Help Create Jobs and Encourage Private Investment in South Carolina

Orangeburg, S.C. (Aug. 29)—EDA Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Patty Sheetz and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham presented a $1.5 Million EDA Investment Check to Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College in Orangeburg, S.C. The investment will help build the Transportation Training Facility for workforce development. The investment is expected to create 544 jobs and generate $420 million in private investment. (More)

Photo of burning 16X16 foot two-story structure.  Click here for larger image.

NIST Explores Technologies for Protecting Fire Fighters

Sharon Hill, Pa. (Aug. 29)—The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted experiments on the hazards of fires under residential floors, which can surprise fire fighters by hastening the collapse of structures, and on technologies, such as thermal imagers and acoustic devices that fire fighters might use to assess the danger of collapse. The test burns, carried out in cooperation with the Delaware County (Pa.) Emergency Services Training Center (ESTC), are part of a multi-year NIST project to investigate potential tools and techniques for predicting structural collapse. (More)

Assistant Secretary Spooner seated at table with Congressman English and steel industry leaders.  Click her for larger image.

Assistant Secretary Spooner Meets with Steel Industry Leaders

Sharon, Pa. (Aug. 29)—International Trade Administration (ITA) Assistant Secretary for Import Administration David Spooner joined Congressman Phil English and Pennsylvania steel industry leaders in a roundtable discussion on the benefits of U.S. trade policy, and the challenges and opportunities of the expanding global economy. Rep. English organized the meeting, which was held at the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of local pipe and tube producers. (More)

Official Census Bureau Seal.

Census Bureau Seal

Census Bureau Reports Household Income Rises, Poverty Rate Declines, Number of Uninsured Up

Washington (Aug. 28)—Real median household income in the United States climbed between 2005 and 2006, reaching $48,200, according to a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau. This is the second consecutive year that income has risen. Meanwhile, the nation’s official poverty rate declined for the first time this decade, from 12.6 percent in 2005 to 12.3 percent in 2006. There were 36.5 million people in poverty in 2006, not statistically different from 2005. The number of people without health insurance coverage rose from 44.8 million (15.3 percent) in 2005 to 47 million (15.8 percent) in 2006. (More)

Gutierrez and Presidents Karzai and Rahmon are seen cutting ribbon at bridge ceremony. Click here for larger image.

Gutierrez Joins Afghan and Tajik Presidents to Open Historic Bridge Between the Two Countries

Dushanbe, Tajikistan (Aug. 26)—On behalf of the American people and President Bush, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today joined Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and Afghan President Hamid Karzai at a ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate a massive new bridge that links two critical U.S. partners, restores historical connections between two neighboring regions, and promotes development, opportunity and hope. (Release) (Remarks)

MBDA Seal for 25th Anniversary of MEDWeek.

MBDA 25th Anniversary MEDWeek Seal

Minority Business Development Agency to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of MEDWeek

Washington (Aug. 27)—The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) will host the 2007 Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week Conference September 13-14 in Washington, D.C. The 2007 MED Week Conference represents a milestone of achievement for minority business development. This year marks the 25th anniversary of MED Week and minority business enterprises have experienced phenomenal growth during the past three decades. There are over 4.1 million minority-owned firms in the United States generating close to $700 billion in gross receipts and employing more than 4.7 million workers. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez and Deputy Secretary Sampson pose with plaque honoring Dr. Sampson's service to the Department of Commerce at his farewell ceremony. Click here for larger image.

Deputy Secretary Sampson Honored with Redfield Award by Secretary Gutierrez

Washington (Aug. 23)—At his farewell ceremony, Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson was presented with a Redfield Award by Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez for his outstanding leadership and commitment. He served as Deputy for two years and more than six years overall at the Department of Commerce. The Redfield Award is the highest honor the Department can give and is named after the first Secretary of Commerce, William C. Redfield. (Remarks)

NOAA image of Hurricane Dean's path. Click here for larger image.

NOAA: Dean Primarily a Flood Threat To Mexico

Washington (Aug. 23)—NOAA’s National Hurricane Center continues to track Dean as it moves further inland over central Mexico. While Dean’s winds will be weakening, heavy rain could still trigger deadly flooding. Dean made its second landfall in Mexico on Wednesday near the town of Tecolutla with top winds of 100 mph. Dean first crossed Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula on Tuesday and struck with top winds of 165 mph—the first Category 5 hurricane to strike land in the Atlantic Basin since Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida in August 1992. (More)

Assistant Secretary Bohigian standing in front of crowd.  Click here for larger image.

Assistant Secretary Bohigian Discusses Importance of Free Trade Agreements

Tucson, Ariz. (Aug. 22)—Assistant Secretary David Bohigian discussed the benefits of the free trade agreements with Peru, Columbia, Panama and South Korea during a roundtable discussion with members of the business community in Tucson and Phoenix. Free trade agreements (FTAs) have proved to be one of the best ways to open up foreign markets to U.S. exporters. Today, the United States has FTAs with 14 countries. In 2006, six new FTAs were implemented: with Bahrain, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Morocco, and Nicaragua. (More)