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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.82
Percent of children ages 2-17 with a dental visit in the past year,a United States, 2002 and 2004
Population group 2004 2002
Total population (in thousands)e Percent with visit Standard error Total population (in thousands)e Percent with visit Standard error
Total   65,703 51.6 1.0 65,351 49.1 0.9
Race White, single race 50,768 53.9 1.2 50,241 52.2 1.0
Black, single race 10,215 39.3 1.8 10,191 37.1 1.8
AI/AN, single race DSU DSU DSU 790 45.2 7.7
Asian, single race 2,300 52.7 3.9 2,454 38.9 4.6
Multiple races 1,722 56.7 5.3 1,399 43.7 4.8
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 12,784 38.4 1.6 11,807 33.8 1.3
Non-Hispanic, all races 52,918 54.7 1.1 53,544 52.4 1.0
Non-Hispanic, White 38,654 59.0 1.3 38,959 57.6 1.1
Non-Hispanic, Black 9,957 38.9 1.9 9,968 37.0 1.8
Non-Hispanic, other 4,307 53.1 3.4 4,617 42.2 3.1
Gender Male 33,668 50.2 1.2 33,470 48.6 1.0
Female 32,035 53.0 1.3 31,881 49.6 1.1
Health insurance Any private 42,326 59.6 1.2 43,441 56.9 1.0
Public only 18,750 39.3 1.3 16,970 35.8 1.5
Uninsured 4,627 27.4 2.8 4,940 25.5 2.1
Family incomeb Negative/poor 11,835 36.3 1.7 10,938 33.0 1.8
Near poor/low 13,974 39.1 1.6 13,929 35.9 1.5
Middle 21,447 52.6 1.7 22,477 50.5 1.4
High 18,447 69.6 1.7 18,008 67.3 1.4
Residence locationc Metropolitan-large 36,800 50.7 1.2 36,546 47.2 1.3
Metropolitan-small 18,098 56.2 2.1 19,000 52.8 1.6
Micropolitan 6,375 44.9 3.3 6,503 51.2 2.5
Noncore-adjacent 3,171 45.9 5.1 2,276 44.6 3.8
Noncore-not adjacent 1,259 58.6 4.3 1,026 44.3 5.2
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 64,186 51.7 1.0 63,705 49.4 0.9
Fair/poor 1,497 44.1 3.8 1,646 37.7 3.7
CSHCNd Yes 13,310 55.8 1.6 13,563 59.2 1.5
No 52,163 51.3 1.1 51,143 47.3 0.9

a Dental visit is based on event data.

b Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

c For more information, go to the MEPS entry in Appendix A, Data Sources.

d Unknown is not shown. Population includes children ages 2-17 at round 2 and round 4.

e Numbers may not add to total due to missing data or rounding.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. CSHCN: children with special health care needs.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care