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Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association

1325 G Street, NW
Suite 500#5001
Washington, DC 20005

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DATIA eNews - September 18 - 24, 2008
Summary:  ODAPC Announces October 2008 Student Drug Testing Summits.  DATIA's Fall Workshop is Approaching.  DATIA's Upcoming Schedule.  Question of the Week:  Can an employer wishing to do a pre-employment alcohol screen do so?
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DATIA Offices Closed for Training Courses
DATIA offices will be closed Tuesday, September 23 through Thursday, September 25 as staff will be away to manage the DATIA Training Courses.  Voicemails and e-mails will be checked periodically.  Thank you.
DATIA eNews - September 12-17, 2008
Summary: ODAPC puts new Direct Observation procedures handout on its website. Salvia may be the new drug of choice or a medical breakthrough. Don't miss DATIA's fall course line-up. Quesiton of the Week: May the previous employer delay sending an employee’s drug and alcohol testing information to the gaining employer pending payment for the cost of the information?
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DATIA Announces Drug Testing Integrity Summit
DATIA announces the 2008 Drug Testing integrity Summit. This one-day summit, to be conducted on October 10, 2008, will provide attendees with information and discussion regarding the investigations recently conducted by the GAO, best practices to create collection site security and the most effective ways to ensure compliance by vendors and subcontractors. In addition, attendees will gleam a wealth of information from leading representatives from mandated employers as to their thoughts and concerns regarding this important topic.
New DOT Rule - Effective Date Postponed for One Provision!
On June 25, 2008, the Department of Transportation (DOT) issued new rules improving protections against cheating on drug tests, including the mandatory use of specimen validity testing for all DOT specimens. Recently, the DOT has received petitions from some transportation labor and management organizations asking that the August 25, 2008, effective date be postponed for the rule concerning the direct observation of urine collections being mandatory for return-to-duty and follow-up testing. The DOT has thus decided to delay the implementation of 40.67(b).