OCR: Office for Civil Rights
   Current Section
Frequently Asked Questions about Sex Discrimination

Are all school districts, colleges, and universities covered by Title IX?

Virtually all public school districts are covered by Title IX because they receive some federal financial assistance and operate education programs. Public colleges and universities generally receive federal financial assistance, and most private colleges and universities receive such assistance. There are some private colleges that do not receive any federal assistance, and Title IX does not apply to them.

Are all programs in a school or college covered if it receives federal financial assistance?

Generally, all programs in a school or college are covered if the school or college receives federal financial assistance. Title IX covers all programs of a school or college that receives financial assistance including academics, extracurricular, and athletics. Also, Title IX applies to all activities of a school or college, even those that occur off campus.

Does Title IX protect only students?

No, Title IX protects all participants in the program from discrimination, including parents, students, and employees.

Are schools responsible for addressing sexual harassment?

Yes, when schoolsbecome aware that sexual harassment is severe, persistent or pervasive, they must take effective actions. For more detailed information,visit our page on sexual harassment resources.

How do I know whether an athletic program is providing an equal opportunity under Title IX?

School districts and colleges are required to provide an equal opportunity in meeting student interest in sports, and in specific program areas like equipment and supplies and recruitment. For more detailed information, visit our Athletic Equity Resources page.

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Last Modified: 03/08/2005

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