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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Assistant Secretary Hernandez and AWWA Director Hoffbuhr are seen shaking hands.

U.S. Commercial Service and AWWA sign Memorandum of Agreement

Toronto (June 26)—Assistant Secretary Israel Hernandez poses with Jack Hoffbuhr, Executive Director of the American Water Works Association (AWWA). Today the U.S. Commercial Service and the AWWA signed a Memorandum of Agreement that will help U.S. water and wastewater businesses expand their technologies into overseas markets. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez seen on the podium.

File Photo

Gutierrez Applauds Senate Vote to Move Forward on Immigration Debate

Washington (June 26)—Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the following statement on the Senate vote to proceed with debate on comprehensive immigration reform. “I’m pleased the Senate has decided on a path forward for comprehensive immigration reform. The American people want us to fix our broken immigration system. We must secure our borders. We must meet our economy’s needs and we must deal with the illegal population already living on American soil. The time to do so is now.” (More)

Official NOAA seal.


NOAA Scientists to Search Tropical Skies for Answers on Climate Change, Ozone Loss

Silver Spring, Md. (June 26)—Scientists from NOAA’s Earth System Research Lab (ESRL) will be among 400 researchers in Costa Rica this summer to probe one of the most complex and least observed regions of Earth’s atmosphere during the rainy season. Based in San Jose, Costa Rica the NASA-led field study will shed light on key processes related to climate change, the stratospheric ozone layer, and global chemistry. The study runs from July 2 through August 15. (More)

Under Secretary Cresanti smiling from the podium.

Technology Under Secretary Joins Business and Academic Leaders in Addressing Global Business Risks

Washington (June 25)—Under Secretary for Technology Robert Cresanti hosted the Competitiveness and Resilience Symposium as part of the Resilience Day CEO Summit sponsored by the Council on Competitiveness at the U.S. Department of Commerce. The summit, which included presentations by business, academic, and other government leaders, focused on global business risks and best practices to sustain corporate resilience, and their impact on a firm’s bottom line, competitiveness, and/or security. (More)

Box with picture of American flag, statue of liberty and the words Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Secretary Gutierrez Discusses Immigration Reform in Interactive Online Forum

Washington (June 25)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez participated in "Ask the White House," an interactive online forum and discussed comprehensive immigration reform. He answered questions submitted by the public on a wide range of issues related to immigration from border security to the economic need for temporary workers. To see a transcript of the chat, please visit the White House website.

Deputy Secretary Sampson shaking hands with Hungarian Minister.  Click here for larger photo.

Deputy Secretary Meets Hungarian Minister of Economy and Transport

Washington (June 21)—Deputy Commerce Secretary David A. Sampson greets Hungarian Minister of Economy and Transport Janos Koka before a meeting at the Commerce Department to discuss key issues in the U.S.-Hungarian commercial and economic relationship. Dr. Sampson will visit Budapest, Hungary, June 26-30, to give a keynote speech and meet with senior government officials on how transparency increases competitiveness and is a critical element that makes free market economies work and thrive.

Navy Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher (left) honors Mark Trail Award recipients.  Click here for larger image.

NOAA Photo

NOAA Honors Awardees for Fostering Wider Use of Life-Saving NOAA Weather Radios

Washington (June 21)—NOAA presented the 2007 Mark Trail Awards at a ceremony on Capitol Hill. The Mark Trail Awards program honors those who use or provide NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards receivers or transmitters to save lives and protect property. Kathryn Martin of Evansville, Ind., is presented with a Mark Trail Award by NOAA Administrator Conrad C. Lautenbacher (far left), Mark Trail creator, Jack Elrod and Mary Glackin (far right), acting director of the National Weather Service. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez gestures from the lectern.

File Photo

Secretary Gutierrez Statement on Doha Negotiations

Washington (June 21)—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the following statement on the WTO talks in Potsdam, Germany, among the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India. “The United States helped launch the Doha Development Agenda with the goal of increasing our exports and helping developing countries benefit from the global economy.” (More)

NIST file photo of fire engulfing a building.

NIST Photo

NIST World Trade Center Recommendations Spur New Model Building Codes

Gaithersburg, Md. (June 20)—Safer buildings—especially tall structures—that are more resistant to fire and more easily evacuated in emergencies are the goal of the first comprehensive set of building code changes recently approved by the International Code Council (ICC) based on recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) three-year investigation of the collapses of the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001. (More)

Assistant Secretary Bohigian (far right) sits at table with three other panelists. Click here for larger image.

Assistant Secretary Bohigian Highlights Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

Washington (June 20)—Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance David Bohigian discussed the benefits of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America during a panel discussion at the National Press Club hosted by Judicial Watch. Bohigian said SPP dialogue with America’s bordering neighbors, Canada and Mexico, is critical to helping the United States combat infectious diseases, protect our people and our environment, and bolster our competitiveness globally. (More)