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Climate Prediction Center

Climate Diagnostics Bulletin
Climate Diagnostics Bulletin - Home Climate Diagnostics Bulletin - Forecast Climate Diagnostics Bulletin - Extratropics


  Tropical Highlights

  Table of Atmospheric Indices  (Table 1)

  Table of Oceanic Indices  (Table 2)

  Time Series

  Time-Longitude Sections

  Mean & Anomaly Fields

  Appendix 1: Outside Contributions


FIGURE T28.  Mean (top) and anomalous (bottom) vertically integrated water vapor or precipitable water (kg m-2) based on the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) (Ferraro et. al, 1996: Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 891-905). Anomalies are calculated from the 1987-2006 base period means.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page Last Modified: October 2008
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