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Colombia Local time: 01:01 AM

Trade Promotion Events And Programs

Matchmakers Trade Delegations

The objective of the Matchmaker Program is to assist infrequent exporters in establishing representatives in overseas markets. This is because many of these firms do not have the resources or experience to go into the international market place and locate a representative without U.S. Government (USG) assistance.

The Matchmaker Program combines the efforts of Export Promotion Services (EPS), Export Assistance Centers (EACs) teams, and overseas posts in introducing U.S. firms to prospective agents, distributors, licensees and joint venture partners in a variety of foreign markets.

The screening process is the most important aspect of the Program. Through this process, appropriate prospects are selected for appointments with participating companies. This matchmaking saves companies a considerable amount of time and effort in getting established in the country, and also builds the reputation of the Commercial Service as an effective trade promotion agency.

Matchmakers differ from trade missions in the following ways:

  • A Matchmaker Delegation is comprised of 15 to 20 companies, and the Matchmaker Program generally organizes 10 to 12 delegations each year.
  • Participants must be either New-To-Market (NTM) or New-To-Export (NTE) firms. NTM firms are those that are entering the target market for the first time, and NTE firms are those that are undertaking an export initiative for the first time.
  • Target participants are small to medium-sized U.S. firms
  • Matchmakers take place over a shorter period of time. They traditionally visit two countries and spend two days in each country
  • Appointments are held for the entire group at a central event site
  • Posts screen products, services and prospects so that companies without any matches have the option to withdraw
  • The sole purpose of the Program is to assist the U.S. firms in finding targeted matches with representatives in a given country's market
  • The Program operates on a cost recovery basis.

Multistate Catalog Show

The objective of the Multi-State Catalog Exhibition Program (formerly Multi-State Trade Days and Catalog Exhibition Programs) is to work in partnership with state trade promotion offices to establish overseas market exposure and obtain trade leads for participating U.S. companies. Multi-State Catalog Exhibitions are official trade events showcasing U.S. companies' product catalogs, company brochures, and similar graphic sales aids. Each event is a combined Multi-State Trade Days and Catalog Exhibition planned jointly with state development agencies to promote interest in and the sale of U.S. products and services abroad.

Multi-State Catalog Exhibitions offer a low-cost trade promotion alternative designed to help small and medium-sized infrequent U.S. exporters to promote sales and establish representation in promising export markets. Overseas posts hosting a Multi-State Catalog Exhibition set up an environment where state and Commercial Service representatives have an opportunity to discuss the firms they are representing with potential buyers, sales agents, representatives, distributors, government officials, and others.

Event itineraries typically include four cities, although additional markets not visited by the state agents are sometimes included as "spin-off" options.

The Export Promotion Service (EPS) recruits about 10 to16 state agencies, each of which designates an international trade specialist as a representative. The state agent recruits from within the state at about 20 companies, on average. EPS recruits companies from non-participating states for inclusion in the Commercial Service catalog display at the event.

Participating states send their agents to the event to represent their companies. The Commercial Service represents companies recruited by EPS. The states are responsible for collecting and distributing trade leads to their companies, while the Commercial Service staff at the post does the same for companies recruited by EPS.

At spin-off events not attended by state agents, Commercial Service staff at the post represent state and EPS recruited firms. Posts hosting spin-off events are responsible for distributing all of the information to the trade leads. Goods and services promoted must be marketed under the name of a U.S. company and have U.S. content representing at least 51 percent of the value of the finished item.

Products represented must be from industries recommended by posts in the host countries. EPS compiles a list of appropriate industries, based on Country Commercial Guides and other information from posts.

Events are based on full-cost recovery, meaning that the revenues collected from an event must cover all of the related costs. Firms directly recruited by EPS are charged a participation fee. State partners are charged a participation fee based on a pro-rated share of estimated domestic and overseas costs. States are encouraged to collect a discretionary fee from each company they recruit, following the example of EPS. Fees should be calculated based on the event budget and the anticipated participation to ensure that the costs of the event are offset.

The Multi-State Catalog Exhibition Program organizes three to four combined events per fiscal year and may also organize catalog exhibitions not involving active state participants, as schedules and resources permit.

Trade Missions

CS Bogota is active every year in supporting a large number of different types of trade missions aimed at helping exporters sell in the Colombian market. At CS Bogota, we provide mission participants with Colombian marketing information, advanced planning, publicity, appointments and logistical support.

Trade Fair Certification

The Trade Fair Certification (TFC) Program is a cooperative arrangement between private sector trade show organizers and the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). TFC provides DOC endorsement and support for private sector U.S. trade show firms (called "organizers") to develop, recruit and manage an official U.S. pavilion of American exhibitors at international trade shows.

The TFC Program seeks to broaden the base of U.S. exporters, particularly new-to-export (NTE) and new-to-market (NTM) companies. The program introduces them to key international trade fairs where they can meet their export objectives. These objectives may include direct sales, identification of local agents-distributors, market research and exposure, or establishing joint venture or licensing arrangements.

Note: The terms "fair," "show" and "exhibition" are used interchangeably throughout this text. Operators of fairgrounds-exhibition centers are referred to as fair authorities and may be private or government entities. Owners of an event may be the fair authority or an individual organizer and are referred to as the event "proprietor."

Certification of an organizer signals to potential U.S. exhibitors and international buyers that the fair is a worthwhile trade opportunity. It also indicates that the organizer has the necessary experience to manage the U.S. exhibitor presence. Certification is applicable to overseas trade fairs only where an organizer has requested certification.

The TFC Program operates on a cost-recovery basis. It is supported by a $1,500 fee paid by the organizer for each certified event. The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service post hosting the fair receives up to $1,200 of the fee to defray its costs to support the fair. Posts may also suggest value-added activities or additional services to the organizer for their consideration. All such arrangements and associated fees should be agreed to in writing.

Posts should encourage organizers to apply for certification for all shows where an organizer wants post or DOC support. Certification will provide post with the funds, cooperation, leverage, etc., to support the show appropriately and ensure proper pricing-services for U.S. exhibitors. Since posts can obtain additional funding from organizers as part of the certification agreement, to cover any post expenses beyond the initial $1,200 budget items, it is advantageous for posts to certify shows. Without certification, posts may find themselves providing costly show support for free, and may not receive recognition for their efforts either.

Certified Trade Missions (CTMs)

Certified Trade Missions (CTMs) are U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) backed overseas events that are planned, organized, and led by export promotion organizations such as industry trade associations, agencies of state and local governments, federal agencies, Congressional representatives, chambers of commerce, regional groups, and other export-oriented groups. The CTM Program provides a flexible and adaptable format in which to conduct overseas business. A CTM may include individual appointments tailored to each member's needs, including plant and factory tours, and-or technology seminars.

  • CTMs are designed to promote U.S. goods and services abroad. They generally facilitate export sales, licensing, joint ventures and representation for small and medium-sized infrequent exporters in high potential markets.
  • Participants in CTMs benefit from a range of on-site services that support a market presence in the country(s) of choice. The backing of the US government often raises the prestige of non-Department of Commerce (DOC) missions, encouraging recruitment.
  • In addition, the CTM program increases opportunities for exporting by providing organizers outside DOC with direct access to US Embassies and Consulates.
  • For Congressional-Governor-led CTMs, the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service CTM Program Office guides participating groups and coordinates initial communications with the commercial sections of posts on the mission's itinerary, facilitation and budget.
  • For all other CTMs, organizers deal directly with posts regarding event approval, scheduling and budget. The post(s) coordinate with the Office of International Operations (OIO) and Office of Trade Events Management (OTEM) on scheduling and budgetary issues.

Virtual Matchmaker

Virtual Matchmakers use video-conferencing technology to offer clients a cost effective way to explore markets without leaving the country. They're not supposed to replace actual Matchmaker Trade Delegations but rather offer clients a first step in evaluating market potential for their product and or service before actually joining a trade delegation. A Virtual Matchmaker is industry specific and offers a small group of clients an opportunity to explore one promising overseas market in a two-hour videoconference period. We hope that Virtual Matchmakers will encourage clients to sign up for Virtual Gold Key and eventually visit targeted countries for in-person meetings with business prospects.