CATC/The Bus, Marge Cole
April 16, 2007  [via Email]

To whom it may concern:

The committee making these recommendations must take into consideration small transit systems such as those located in Wyoming.  Changing the definition of a common wheelchair will create even more impossible mobility devices.  We currently deal with mobility devices that are unsafe and can't be tied down safely.  In addition, for small transit providers this will create yet another unfunded mandate that we must comply with, cannot do so safely and have no funding to do so. 

The Automatic Announcement requirement is beyond the majority of the systems that currently operate in our state.  Under no circumstances should this requirement become a mandate for small transit providers.

When making any changes consideration must be given to small transit providers that are providing great service to communities and large number of passengers who have no other means of transportation.  Changing theses rule could eliminate service in a large number of communites because the mandates cannot be met in a timely or safe manner.  And who is going to pay for yet another unfunded mandate? 

Those of us who operate transit systems under difficult circumstances at best do not need additional mandates.  If anything there should be a reduction of the requirements placed on transit providers.  Planning a session regarding elimination of unneccessary mandates would be time well spent. 

Thank you.

Marge Cole, Director
CATC/The Bus
1715 East 4th St
Casper, WY 82601
307-265-1313 or 307-237-4287