BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Lebanon Local time: 08:51 AM

Gold Key Service

Gold Key Service

A custom-tailored program designed for U.S. executives planning to visit Lebanon, the Gold Key Service has proven to be a highly effective means of promoting sales of U.S. products and services in the Lebanese marketplace.

The Gold Key Service offers introductions to potential partners. Depending on the preferences of the client and the length of their visit, the Gold Key Service can be offered from one to three business days.

The Gold Key Service Includes:

  1. Assistance in developing a sound market entry strategy
  2. Briefing with Commercial Specialist regarding trade practices in Lebanon, and with other Embassy agencies, depending on the client's interests
  3. One-on-one meetings with local companies interested in joint ventures, licensing or agent/distributor agreements
  4. Background information on appointments
  5. Escort by Commercial Specialist to meetings, if desired
  6. Hotel reservations and airport pickup at a preferred rate

Cost of a Gold Key Service:

- $735 for the first day (up to 5 appointments per day), $360 for each additional day.

Ordering the Gold Key Service

U.S. firms can request a Gold Key through their local U.S. Export Assistance Center or by contacting our Commercial Section 


If collected by post, our preferred method is credit card. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discovery. Checks should be sent directly to the U.S. Embassy, made payable to "U.S. Commercial Service", drawn on a U.S. Bank, and mailed to The U.S. Embassy, Awkar, POBox 70-840, Beirut, Lebanon attention U.S. Commercial Service . If payment is made through the USEAC, clients will be contacted directly by the Trade Specialist.

A Participation Agreement will be sent for the U.S. client’s signature via email and returned to post, along with credit card information.

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