BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


China Domain Name Strategies for US Exporters - Archived Program

Archived Program Available for the January 22, 2008 WEBINAR


Ever thought about registering a web address in China?  Been approached by a Asia-based consultant offering to register your domain name in the PRC?  Join this webinar to understand the value of a China domain name presence, how to get one and how to avoid trouble. 

This webinar is focused on educating small and medium-sized US exporters on China Domain Name issues and strategies.  Brought to you by the U.S. Commercial Service / U.S. Department of Commerce with support of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office / U.S. Department of Commerce.


  • Introduction to Domain Name web addresses
  • Value of local Web Presence
  • Including Domain Names in IP Strategies for China
  • How to register a domain name in China
  • Tips on Avoiding Problems - Dealing with Unsolicited Registration Offers 
  • What to do if someone else has done it before you.


Susan Anthony - Attorney-Advisor, US Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce Bio - Susan Anthony (20KB)

Gary Soo - Barrister, Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre in Hong Kong Bio-Gary KL Soo (172KB)

A 20-minutes Question and Answer session follows the presentations.

Order Information

Fee: $35

To Order the Webinar Recording: Click here

Questions, contact Julie Carducci at

Learn more about the China market at the China Business Information Center (BIC) China Business Information Center  An information resource of the U.S. Department of Commerce offering market research, trade leads, trade shows, regulatory issues and more!

Visit StopFakes.Gov for resources and programs helping US companies understand and protect Intellectual Property Rights.

*Event supported by the Commercial Service's Manufacturing Team and China Business Information Center