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Department of Commerce

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A clown fish swins above a sea anemone.

NOAA Initiates $1.4 Million Three-Year Project to Study Valuable Deep Hawaiian Coral Ecosystems

Washington (Oct. 24)—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded four Honolulu based organizations $500,000 for the first year of a three-year $1.4 million project to improve the understanding of deep water coral reef ecosystems in the Hawaiian Islands. “We know very little about corals found in the 30 to 100 meter depth range,” said retired Navy Vice Adm. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. (More)

Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez

In Online “Ask the White House” Forum Gutierrez Says Cubans Deserve “Freedom, Dignity and True Social Justice”

Washington (Oct. 24)—Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez responded to questions submitted by the public on the Bush Administration’s Cuba policy in an online, interactive forum. In a keynote address this week, President Bush laid out new initiatives aimed to help the people of Cuba, and reiterated America’s commitment to helping Cuba join the world’s community of democracies. Gutierrez answered questions from the public following the President’s remarks. (More)

President Bush speaking on the podium.

White House Photo

Bush Calls on Cuba to Join the Community of Democracies in the Western Hemisphere

Washington (Oct. 24)—In a major speech at the State Department, President George W. Bush laid out the Administration’s policy toward Cuba, and offered new initiatives to improve the quality of life and opportunity for the people of Cuba. The President called on the free world to do more to show its solidarity with the Cuban people. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez is the Co-Chair, along with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba. (Remarks) (Fact Sheet)

Assistant Secretary Baruah presents check to Operation Hope.  Click here for larger image.

Commerce’s Economic Development Administration Presents $600,000 Investment to Operation Hope

Washington (Oct. 24)—U.S. Department of Commerce Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Sandy Baruah presented a $600,000 Economic Development Administration (EDA) investment check to John Bryant’s Operation Hope in Washington, D.C. The investment will support the continuation and expansion of the HOPE Center Small Business Technical Assistance center in the Anacostia section of the District of Columbia. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez presenting speech. Click for larger image.

Gutierrez Calls for Economic Openness and Warns Against Protectionist Sentiment in U.S. and China

Washington (Oct. 23)—At the third meeting of the George Bush China-U.S. Relations Conference launched by President George H. W. Bush, Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez outlined the opportunities and challenges facing our two nations. His speech focused on the importance of economic openness in both countries, saying “Maintaining openness in the U.S.-China economic relationship is not easy, but it’s necessary. There is much at stake. A prosperous China is in America’s interests, and a prosperous America is in China’s best interests.” (Remarks)

Gutierrez gesturing on the podium. Click here for larger image.

Gutierrez Kicks Off Combined Federal Campaign Season

Washington (Oct. 23)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez spoke to Department of Commerce employees about the importance of charity and donating to the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 campaigns raising millions of dollars each year. Last year, over 63 percent of Commerce employees participated and raised more than $3.9 million dollars. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez and President Enkhbayar shaking hands at Commerce building entrance. Click here for larger image.

Gutierrez Highlights U.S.-Mongolia Relationship

Washington (Oct. 22)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez met with President Nambar Enkhbayar from Mongolia to discuss economic and trade opportunities for the United States and Mongolia. While in Washington, President Enkhbayar also met with President Bush to sign the Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact. (More)

Gutierrez seated at conference table.

File Photo

Secretary Gutierrez Announces Vietnam Business Development Mission Participants

Washington (Oct. 22)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez announced that 23 companies will join him on the first-ever Cabinet Business Development Mission to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Nov. 4-8, 2007, designed to expand bilateral trade ties and boost U.S. export opportunities. (More)

ITA logo.

Commerce Announces Final Decision on Unfair Dumping and Subsidization of Glossy Paper

Washington (Oct. 18)—The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its affirmative final determinations in the countervailing and antidumping duty investigations on coated free sheet paper (glossy paper) from China, Indonesia, and Korea. This final determination reaffirms the March 30th preliminary decision to alter a 23-year old policy of not applying the countervailing duty (CVD) law to non-market economy countries, reflecting China’s economic development. (More)

Official Bureau of Industry and Security Seal.

New BIS Program Changes Export Rules on Targeted Products for Select Companies in China

Washington (Oct. 18)—The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced the approval of five screened companies in China for Validated End-User (VEU) status. VEU will remove individual license requirements on exports of certain U.S.-controlled items to those companies to facilitate and help increase bilateral high technology trade while maintaining a secure U.S. export control system. (More)