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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.25a: Admissions for diabetes with long-term complicationsa per 100,000 population, age 18 and older, trends 1994-2001 and by patient and hospital characteristics, selected years, United States, 2000 and 2001

  Adjusted rateb    
Trends Estimate Standard error    
    Total United States, 2001 117.098 2.532    
    Total United States, 2000 120.810 2.922    
    Total United States, 1997 111.366 3.477    
    Total United States, 1994 115.483 4.514    
  2001 adjusted rateb 2000 adjusted rateb
Population group Estimate Standard error Estimate Standard error
Patient characteristic        
Age groups for conditions affecting any age        
    18-44 33.501 1.164 33.484 1.203
    45-64 150.400 3.749 158.036 4.663
    65 and over 330.560 7.480 338.630 7.922
Age groups for conditions affecting primarily elderly        
    65-69 271.403 7.297 293.116 8.094
    70-74 314.109 8.238 336.307 8.931
    75-79 373.972 9.852 371.110 10.177
    80-84 410.959 11.959 388.835 11.263
    85 and over 359.354 11.496 339.067 11.185
    Male 133.562 2.945 135.980 3.215
    Female 104.063 2.420 108.278 2.853
Median income of patient ZIP Code        
    Less than $25,000 196.550 18.602 193.319 15.735
    $25,000-$34,999 146.326 6.011 150.143 6.530
    $35,000-$44,999 126.963 4.992 126.912 5.240
    $45,000 or more 91.098 3.867 90.913 3.692
Location of patient residence        
    Metropolitan 116.200 2.976 * *
    Micropolitan 125.589 7.959 * *
    Noncore 116.972 7.255 * *
Hospital characteristic        
Location of inpatient treatment        
    Northeast 130.392 7.044 135.812 8.645
    Midwest 112.334 4.871 109.735 5.310
    South 129.694 4.073 133.628 4.595
    West 88.544 4.839 96.239 5.363

a Long-term complications includes renal, eye, neurological, circulatory, or other unspecified complications. Numerator excludes obstetric admissions and transfers from other institutions.

b Rates are adjusted by age and gender using the total U.S. population for 2000 as the standard population; when reporting is by age, the adjustment is by gender only; when reporting is by gender, the adjustment is by age only.

* Information is unavailable for year 2000.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample.


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