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Agency: Bureau of Indian Affairs – Rocky Mountain Region
Project Title: Full-Depth Reclamation

Investigate potential benefits of using Full Depth Reclamation as a rehabilitative tool.  The results will be used to provide potential performance models for future applications.

Accomplishment / Status To Date:
To date significant progress has been made on this project. Preliminary distress surveys, material characterization, mix-designs and the literature review have been performed. During the 2003 construction season the control section consisting of an asphalt concrete overlay was installed. Currently, civil engineering technicians from the Fort Belknap Reservation are collecting a number of initial data points.

A point of concern on this project circle primarily around our inability to install the test section this past summer. This will delay the collection and reduction of data. Consequently, the development of distress models will not occur until 2005 at the earliest.



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