Table 5. Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work (total and those to the eye) by number and median days away from work, 2004
Characteristics All parts Percent of days-away-from-work cases involving all parts Eyes Percent of days-away-from-work cases involving eyes


1,259,320 100.0 36,680 100.0

Cases involving 1 day

180,500 14.3 15,790 43.0

Cases involving 2 days

144,480 11.5 8,050 21.9

Cases involving 3 to 5 days

231,350 18.4 7,390 20.1

Cases involving 6 to 10 days

159,250 12.6 2,410 6.6

Cases involving 11 to 20 days

143,560 11.4 1,280 3.5

Cases involving 21 to 30 days

85,620 6.8 710 1.9

Cases involving 31 or more days

314,570 25.0 1,040 2.8

Median days away from work

7 2

Note: Due to rounding, components may not add to exactly 100 percent. Dashes indicate "not applicable."