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FHWA Safety: First graphic from left courtesy of ( Burden)

Work Zone Safety Tips to Live By

Annually in work zones there are nearly 800 fatal and over 37,000 serious injury crashes. In addition, congestion and delays are mounting, and the frustration level of the driver is rising.

Safety Tips to Live By

Stay Alert! Dedicate your full attention to the roadway.
Pay Close Attention! Signs and work zone flaggers save lives.
Turn on Your Headlights! Workers and other motorists must see you.
Don't Tailgate!
Don't Speed! Note the posted speed limits in and around the work zone.
Keep Up with the Traffic Flow!
Don't Change Lanes!
Minimize Distractions! Avoid changing radio stations and using mobile phone while driving in the work zone.
Expect the Unexpected! Keep an eye out for workers and their equipment.
Be Patient! Remember the work zone crew members are working to improve your future ride.


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