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FHWA Safety: First graphic from left courtesy of ( Burden)

Safety Research

Photo courtesy of ( Burden)

The FHWA's highway safety research is conducted by the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center, which is the research arm of the FHWA. The Office of Safety works closely with the Office of Safety Research at Turner-Fairbank to work with our customers and partners to develop research agendas, and to implement research recommendations through the development of practical tools and guidance for practitioners and decisionmakers.

  • FHWA Safety Research

    The FHWA's Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center's highway safety research program's primary focus areas are intersections, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, roadside safety, run-off-the -road safety, and speed management. Supporting areas include safety improvements, geometric design, a photometric laboratory, human factors, safety asset management, and safety information systems.


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