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MIT Center for Airborne Organics

EPA Grant Number: R824970
Center: EERC - Center for Airborne Organics (MIT)
Center Director: Seinfeld, John
Title: MIT Center for Airborne Organics
Investigators: Howard, Jack B. , Molina, Mario J. , Pfeffer, Robert , Seinfeld, John
Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology , California Institute of Technology , New Jersey Institute of Technology
Current Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
EPA Project Officer: Shapiro, Paul
Project Period: October 1, 1992 through September 30, 2002
Project Amount: $5,745,000
RFA: Center on Airborne Organics (1993)
Research Category: Targeted Research



Abstract Currently Not Available

Journal Articles: 74 Displayed | Download in RIS Format

Other center views: All 100 publications 75 publications in selected types All 74 journal articles

Type Citation Sub Project Document Sources
Journal Article Allen JO, Fergenson DP, Gard EE, Hughes LS, Morrical BD, Kleeman MJ, Gross DS, Gallo ME, Prather KA, Cass GR. Particle detection efficiencies of aerosol time of flight mass spectrometers under ambient sampling conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 2000; 34(1): 211-217. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Andino JM, Smith JN, Flagan RC, Goddard III WA, Seinfeld JH. Mechanism of atmospheric photooxidation of aromatics: a theoretical study. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996; 100(26): 10967-10980. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Bowman FM, Odum JR, Seinfeld JH, Pandis SN. Mathematical model for gas-particle partitioning of secondary organic aerosols. Atmospheric Environment 1997; 31(23): 3921-3931. R824970 (Final)
R823514 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Bozzelli JW, Dean AM. Hydrocarbon Radical Reactions with O-2 - Comparison of Allyl, Formyl, and Vinyl to Ethyl. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1993; 97(17): 4427-4441. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Bozzelli JW, Chang AY, Dean AM. Molecular density of states from estimated vapor phase heat capacities. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1997; 29(3): 161-170. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Chen CJ, Bozzelli JW, Wong D. Standard chemical thermodynamic properties of multichloro alkanes and alkenes: a modified group additivity scheme. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1998; 102(24): 4551-4558. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Chen CJ, Bozzelli JW. Analysis of tertiary butyl radical plus O-2, isobutene plus HO2, isobutene plus OH, and isobutene-OH adducts plus O-2: A detailed tertiary butyl oxidation mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999; 103(48): 9731-9769. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Chen CJ, Bozzelli JW. Kinetic analysis for HO2 addition to ethylene, propene, and isobutene, and thermochemical parameters of alkyl hydroperoxides and hydroperoxide alkyl radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000; 104(21): 4997-5012. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Chen CJ Bozzelli JW. Thermochemical property, pathway and kinetic analysis on the reactions of allylic isobutenyl radical with O-2: an elementary reaction mechanism for isobutene oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000; 104(43): 9715-9732. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article DiNaro JL, Howard JB, Green WH, Tester JW, Bozzelli JW. Elementary reaction mechanism for benzene oxidation in supercritical water. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000; 104(45): 10576-10586. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Forstner HJL, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Molecular speciation of secondary organic aerosol from photooxidation of the higher alkenes: 1-octene and 1-decene. Atmospheric Environment 1997;31(13):1953-1964 R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Forstner HJL, Seinfeld JH, Flagan RC. Secondary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons: molecular composition. Environmental Science & Technology 1997; 31(5): 1345-1358. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Gard EE, Kleeman MJ, Gross DS, Hughes LS, Allen JO, Morrical BD, Fergenson DP, Dienes T, Galli ME, Johnson RJ, Cass GR, Prather KA. Direct Observation of Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Atmosphere. Science 1998; 279(5354): 1184-1187 R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Glarborg P, Kubel D, DamJohansen K, Chiang HM, Bozzelli JW. Impact of SO2 and NO on CO oxidation under post-flame conditions. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1996; 28(10): 773-790. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Green WH, Barton PI, Bhattacharjee B, Matheu DM, Schwer DA, Song J, Sumathi R, Carstensen H-H, Dean AM, Grenda JM. Computer construction of detailed chemical kinetic models for gas-phase reactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2001; 40(23): 5362-5370. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Griffin RJ, Dabdub D, Cocker III DR, Seinfeld JH. Estimate of global atmospheric organic aerosol from oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons. Geophysical Research Letters 1999; 26(17): 2721-2724. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Griffin RJ, Cocker III DR, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Organic aerosol formation from the oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons. Journal of Geophysical Research 1999; 104(D3): 3555-3568. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Grosjean E, Grosjean D, Seinfeld JH. Atmospheric chemistry of 1-octene, 1-decene, and cyclohexene: gas-phase carbonyl and peroxyacyl nitrate products. Environmental Science and Technology 1996; 30(3): 1038-1047. R824970 (Final)
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Journal Article Grosjean E, Grosjean D, Seinfeld JH. Gas-phase reaction of ozone with trans-2-hexenal, trans-2-hexenyl acetate, ethylvinyl ketone, and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1996; 28(5): 373-382. R824970 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Hannigan MP, Cass GR, Lafleur AL, Longwell JP, Thilly WG. Bacterial mutagenicity of urban organic aerosol sources in comparison to atmospheric samples. Environmental Science & Technology 1994;28(12):2014-2024. R824970 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Hannigan MP, Cass GR, Lafleur AL, Busby Jr WF, Thilly WG. Seasonal and spatial variation of the bacterial mutagenicity of fine organic aerosol in Southern California. Environmental Health Perspectives 1996; 104(4): 428-436. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Hoffmann,T, Odum JR, Bowman F, Collins D, Klockow D, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Formation of organic aerosols from the oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 1997; 26(2): 189-222. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Hughes LS, Allen JO, Kleeman MJ, Johnson RJ, Cass GR. Size and composition distribution of atmospheric particles in Southern California. Environmental Science & Technology 1999; 33(20): 3506-3515. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Hughes LS, Allen JO, Bhave P, Kleeman MJ, Cass GR, Liu D-Y, Fergenson DP, Morrical BD, Prather KA. Evolution of Atmospheric Particles along Trajectories Crossing the Los Angeles Basin. Environmental Science and Technology 2000;34(15):3058-3068. R824970 (Final)
  • Full-text: ACS Full Text (PDF)
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  • Journal Article Jungkamp TPW, Seinfeld JH. The enthalpy of formation of trioxy radicals ROOO (R=H, CH3, C2H5). Journal of Chemical Physics 1996; 257(1-2): 15-22. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Jungkamp TPW, Seinfeld JH. The mechanism of methoxy radical oxidation: hydrogen abstraction versus trioxy radical formation. Journal of Chemical Physics 1996; 263(3-4): 371-378. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Jungkamp TPW, Smith JN, Seinfeld JH. Atmospheric oxidation mechanism of n-butane: the fate of alkoxy radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1997; 101(24): 4392-4401. R824970 (Final)
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    Journal Article Jungkamp TPW, Seinfeld JH. Prediction of bond dissociation energies and transition state barriers by a modified complete basis set model chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1997; 107(5): 1513-1521. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Kronholm DF, Howard JB. Analysis of Soot Surface Growth Pathways using Published Plug-Flow Reactor Data with New Particle Size Distribution Measurements and Published Premixed Flame Data. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2000; 28: 2555-2561. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH, Bozzelli JW, Dean AM, Ritter ER. Hydrogen-atom bond increments for calculation of thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon radical species. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995; 99(39): 14514-14527. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH. Krasnoperov LN, Venanzi CA, Bozzelli JW, Shokhirev NV. Ab initio study of alpha-chlorinated ethyl hydroperoxides CH3CH2OOH, CH3CHClOOH, and CH3CCl2OOH: Conformational analysis, internal rotation barriers, vibrational frequencies, and thermodynamic properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996; 100(20): 8240-8249. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH, Bozzelli JW, Seinfeld JH. Atmospheric photochemical oxidation of benzene: Benzene plus OH and the benzene-OH adduct (hydroxyl-2,4-cyclohexadienyl) plus O-2. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996; 100(16): 6543-6554. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH, Bozzelli JW. Enthalpies of formation of cyclic alkyl peroxides: Dioxane, 1,2-dioxetane, 1,2-dioxolane, and 1,2-dioxane. Chemical Physics Letters 1997; 268(1-2): 175-179. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH, Tsai P-L, Yamada T, Bozzelli JW. Thermodynamic parameters and group additivity ring corrections for three-to-six-membered oxygen heterocyclic hydrocarbons. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997; 101(13): 2471-2477. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lay TH; Bozzelli JW. Enthalpies of formation and group additivity of alkyl peroxides and trioxides. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1998; 101(49): 9505-9510. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Liang CK, Pankow JF, Odum JR, Seinfeld JH. Gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds to model inorganic, organic, and ambient smog aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology 1997;31(11):3086-3092 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Meng Z, Dabdub D, Seinfeld JH. Chemical coupling between atmospheric ozone and particulate matter. Science 1997; 277(5322): 116-119. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Mitra S, Lai A. A Sequential Valve-Microtrap Injection System for Continuous, Online Gas-Chromatographic Analysis at Trace Levels. Journal of Chromatographic Science 1995; 33(6): 285-289. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Mitra S, Li WF, Kebbekus B. Evaluation of a thermionic ionization detector for selective detection of oxygenated volatile organic compounds. Journal of Chromatographic Science 1995; 33(7): 405-409. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Molina MJ, Zhang R, Broekhuizen K, Lei W, Navarro R, Molina LT. Experimental study of intermediates from OH-initiated reactions of toluene. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999; 121(43): 10225-10226. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Odum JR, Hoffman, Thorsten, Bownman F, Collins D, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Gas/particle partitioning and secondary organic aerosol yields. Environmental Science & Technology 1996; 30(8): 2580-2585. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Odum JR, Jungkamp TPW, Griffin RJ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. The atmospheric aerosol-forming potential of whole gasoline vapor. Science April 4, 1997; 276(5309): 96-99. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Odum JR, Jungkamp TPW, Griffin RJ, Forstner HJL, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Aromatics, reformulated gasoline, and atmospheric organic aerosol formation. Enviornmental Science & Technology 1997;31(7):1890-1897. R824970 (Final)
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  • Journal Article Palotas AB, Rainey LC, Sarofim AF,VanderSande JB, Ciambelli P. Effect of oxidation on the microstructure of carbon blacks. Energy & Fuels 1996; 10(1): 254-259. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Palotas AB, Rainey LC, Feldermann CJ, Sarofim AF, Vander Sande JB. Soot morphology: An application of image analysis in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique 1996; 33(3): 266-278. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Palotas AB, Rainey LC, Sarofim AF, Vander Sande JB, Flagan RC. Where Did That Soot Come From?. Chemtech 1998; 28(7): 24-30. R824970 (Final)
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    Journal Article Park BI, Bozzelli JW, Booty MR. Polymer pyrolysis and oxidation studies in a continuous feed and flow reactor: Cellulose and polystyrene. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(15):2584-2592 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Pope CJ, Howard JB. Simultaneous particle and molecule modeling (SPAMM): an approach for combining sectional aerosol equations and elementary gas-phase reactions. Aerosol Science and Technology 1997; 27(1): 73-94. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Procaccini C, Bozzelli JW, Longwell JP, Smith KA, Sarofim AF. Presence of chlorine radicals and formation of molecular chlorine in the post-flame region of chlorocarbon combustion. Environmental Science & Technology 2000; 34(21): 4565-4570. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Rainey L, Palotas A, Bolsaitis P, Vander Sande JB, Sarofilm AF. Application of high resolution electron microscopy for the characterization and source assignment of diesel particulates. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1996; 11(7): 777-781. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Richter H, Howard JB. Formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their growth to soot -a review of chemical reaction pathways. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2000; 26(4-6): 565-608. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Richter H, Mazyar OA, Sumathy R, Green WH, Howard JB, Bozzelli JW. Detailed kinetic study of the growth of small polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 1. 1-naphthyl plus ethyne. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001; 105(9): 1561-1573. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Schwer DA, Tolsma JE, Green WH, Barton PI. On upgrading the numerics in combustion chemistry codes. Combustion and Flame 2002; 128(3): 270-291. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Sheng C, Bozzelli JW. ab initio molecular orbital and density functional analysis of acetylene + O2 reactions with CHEMKIN evaluation. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2000;32(10):263-641 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Sheng C, Bozzelli JW. Thermochemistry, reaction paths, and kinetics on the hydroperoxy-ethyl radical reaction with O2: new chain branching reactions in hydrocarbon oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002; 106(7): 1113-1121. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Sun H, Chen CJ, Bozzelli JW. Structures, intramolecular rotation barriers, and thermodynamic properties (enthalpies, entropies and heat capacities) of chlorinated methyl hydroperoxides (CH2ClOOH, CHCl2OOH, and CCl3OOH). Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000;104(35):8270-8282. R824970 (Final)
    R826371C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: American Chemical Society Abstract
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  • Journal Article Thomson MJ, Lucas D, Koshland CP, Sawyer RF, Wu Y-P, Bozzelli JW. An experimental and numerical study of the high-temperature oxidation of 1,1,1-C2H3. Combustion and Flame 1998; 98(1-2): 155-169. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Tolsma JE, Barton PI. DAEPACK: an open modeling environment for legacy models. Industrial Engineering & Chemical Research 2000; 39(6): 1826-1839. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Tolsma JE, Barton PI, Clabaugh JA. Symbolic incorporation of external procedures into process modeling environments. Industrial Engineering & Chemical Research August 7, 2002; 41(16): 3867-3876. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Tolsma JE, Barton PI. Hidden discontinuities and parametric sensitivity calculations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2002; 23(6): 1861-1874. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Tse CW, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Rate constants for the gas-phase reaction of the hydroxyl radical with a series of dimethylbenzaldehydes and trimethylphenols at atmospheric pressure. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1997; 29(7): 523-525. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Wu KC, Hochgreb S. The roles of chemistry and diffusion on hydrocarbon post-flame oxidation. Combustion Science and Technology 1997;130(1-6):365-398 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yamada T, Bozzelli JW. Ab initio calculations and internal rotor: contribution for thermodynamics properties SO298 and Cp(T) (300 < T/K < 1500: group additivity for fluoroethanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1998; 102(37): 7286-7293. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yamada T, Bozzelli JW, Lay T. Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis on OH addition to ethylene: adduct formation, isomerization, and isomer dissociations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999; 103(38): 7646-7655. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yamada T, Bozzelli JW, Berry RJ. Thermodynamic properties (Delta H-f(298), S(298), and C-p(T) (300 <= T <= 1500)) of fluorinated propanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999; 103(28): 5602- 5610. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yamada,T.; Bozzelli,J.W.. Thermodynamic properties Delta H-f degrees(298), S degrees(298), and C-p(T) for 2-fluoro-2-methylpropane, Delta H-f degrees(298) of fluorinated ethanes, and group additivity for fluoroalkanes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1999; 103(36): 7373-7379. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yamada T, Bozzelli JW, Lay TH. Comparisons of CBS-q and G2 calculations on thermodynamic properties, transition states, and kinetics of dimethyl-ether plus O-2 reaction system. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2000; 32(7): 435-452. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yu JZ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Identification of products containing -COOH, -OH, and -C=O in atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons. Environmental Science & Technology 1998; 32(16): 2357-2370. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yu JZ, Cocker DR, Griffin RJ, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH. Gas-phase ozone oxidation of monoterpenes: Gaseous and particulate products. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 1999;34(2):207-258 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yu JZ, Griffin RJ, Cocker DR, Flagan RC, Seinfeld JH, Blanchard P. Observation of gaseous and particulate products of monoterpene oxidation in forest atmospheres. Geophysical Research Letters 1999;26(8):1145-1148 R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zhong X, Bozzelli JW. Thermochemical and kinetic analysis of the H, OH, HO2, O and O2 association reactions with cyclopentadienyl radical. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1998; 102(20): 3537-3555. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zhong X, Bozzelli JW. Thermochemical and kinetic analysis on the addition reactions of H, O, OH, and HO2 with 1,3 cyclopentadiene. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1997; 29(12): 893-913. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zhu L, Bozzelli JW, Ho WP. Reaction of OH radical with C2H3Cl: Rate constant and reaction pathway analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999; 103(39): 7800-7810. R824970 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zhu L, Chen C-J, Bozzelli JW. Structures, rotational barriers, and thermodynamic properties of C2 vinyl and chlorovinyl alcohols and additivity groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000;104(40):9197-9206. R824970 (Final)
    R826371C009 (Final)
  • Abstract: American Chemical Society Abstract
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  • Supplemental Keywords:

    Air, Scientific Discipline, Waste, RFA, Analytical Chemistry, Incineration/Combustion, Atmospheric Sciences, particulate matter, Environmental Chemistry, Ecology and Ecosystems, Environmental Monitoring, airborne organics, emission control strategies, combustion kinetics, combustion, air quality models, atmospheric particles, air pollution, air pollution control, atmospheric particulate matter, ambient pollution control, aerosol dynamics, airborne particulate matter, atmospheric transport

    Progress and Final Reports:
    Final Report

    Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
    R824970C001 Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Formation of Products of Incomplete Combustion from Spark-ignition Engines
    R824970C002 Combustion Chamber Deposit Effects on Engine Hydrocarbon Emissions
    R824970C003 Atmospheric Transformation of Volatile Organic Compounds: Gas-Phase Photooxidation and Gas-to-Particle Conversion
    R824970C004 Mathematical Models of the Transport and Fate of Airborne Organics
    R824970C005 Elementary Reaction Mechanism and Pathways for Atmospheric Reactions of Aromatics - Benzene and Toluene
    R824970C006 Simultaneous Removal of Soot and NOx from the Exhaust of Diesel Powered Vehicles
    R824970C007 Modeling Gas-Phase Chemistry and Heterogeneous Reaction of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
    R824970C008 Fundamental Study on High Temperature Chemistry of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons as Alternate Motor Fuels and Additives
    R824970C009 Markers for Emissions from Combustion Sources
    R824970C010 Experimental Investigation of the Evolution of the Size and Composition Distribution of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols
    R824970C011 Microengineered Mass Spectrometer for in-situ Measurement of Airborne Contaminants

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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