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Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads

The Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) Program provides assistance to roads that have been defined as Federal roads. These are roads providing access to and within Federal and Indian lands. They include Forest Highways, Forest Development Roads, Park Roads, Parkways, Indian Reservation Roads, Public Lands Highways (including Refuge Roads) and Public Lands Development Roads. This is different from the Emergency Relief Program for Federal- aid highways such as the Interstate system.

The Federal share for the repair of Federal roads is 100 percent under the ERO Program.  Funds for the ERFO Program are provided from the Highway Trust Fund through the Emergency Relief Program for Federal-aid Highways. ERFO funds are not to duplicate assistance under another Federal program or compensation from insurance, cost share, or any other source.

The intent of the ERFO Program is to pay the unusually heavy expenses to agencies, that manage road systems, for the repair and reconstruction of Federal roads to pre-disaster conditions. These Federal roads were damaged by a natural disaster over a wide area or by a catastrophic failure from any external cause. The ERFO Program is intended to supplement the commitment of resources by Federal agencies to help pay unusually heavy expenses resulting from extraordinary conditions.

The ERFO Manual and videotape provides detailed program guidance and instructions on how Federal agencies, State transportation departments, Indian tribal governments, and local highway authorities can apply for ERFO funding for road damage.For questions on the administration of the nationwide ERFO Program, contact Mr. Donald F. Patrick, ERFO Program Manager at (202) 366-9491.

Division ERFO Coordinators are responsible for coordination of the ERFO Program and subsequent activities with the Federal Lands Management Agencies (FLMA's) Regional/State offices.  For the FLMA's/Servicing Federal Lands Highway Division Office, please refer to the ERFO Manual, Appendix B-1 and B-2: ERFO Disaster Assistance Service Area Reference Matrix.  Contact information for Division ERFO Coordinators is:

Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) office located in Sterling, VA: Mr. Sergio Mayorga at (571) 434-1547
Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) office located in Lakewood, CO: Mr. Michael Daly at (720) 963-3551
Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) office located in Vancouver, WA: Mr. David Hilgendorf at (360) 619-7620

For more information on the Emergency Relief program contact the Office of Federal Lands Highway at (202) 366-9491, or (202) 366-9494 or by email to


Damaged Road picture


2004 ERFO
Disaster Assistance Manual
Chapter (.pdf format)
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Chapter 2
The Process
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix A
Appendix B
ERFO Disaster Assistance Service Area Reference Matrix
Appendix C
Correspondence Samples, Instructions
Appendix D
Law and Regulation
Download Entire 2004 ERFO Manual .pdf (1,243 KB)





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