3/27/95 WEST VIRGINIA Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990 Compiled and edited by Richard L. Forstall Population Division US Bureau of the Census Washington, DC 20233 Please see file, 1900-90.doc for explanatory notes and documentation. FIPS 1990 1980 1970 1960 00000 248709873 226545805 203211926 179323175 United States 54000 1793477 1949644 1744237 1860421 West Virginia 54001 15699 16639 14030 15474 Barbour County 54003 59253 46775 36356 33791 Berkeley County 54005 25870 30447 25118 28764 Boone County 54007 12998 13894 12666 15152 Braxton County 54009 26992 31117 29685 28940 Brooke County 54011 96827 106835 106918 108202 Cabell County 54013 7885 8250 7046 7948 Calhoun County 54015 9983 11265 9330 11942 Clay County 54017 6994 7433 6389 6970 Doddridge County 54019 47952 57863 49332 61731 Fayette County 54021 7669 8334 7782 8050 Gilmer County 54023 10428 10210 8607 8304 Grant County 54025 34693 37665 32090 34446 Greenbrier County 54027 16498 14867 11710 11705 Hampshire County 54029 35233 40418 39749 39615 Hancock County 54031 10977 10030 8855 9308 Hardy County 54033 69371 77710 73028 77856 Harrison County 54035 25938 25794 20903 18541 Jackson County 54037 35926 30302 21280 18665 Jefferson County 54039 207619 231414 229515 252925 Kanawha County 54041 17223 18813 17847 19711 Lewis County 54043 21382 23675 18912 20267 Lincoln County 54045 43032 50679 46269 61570 Logan County 54047 35233 49899 50666 71359 McDowell County 54049 57249 65789 61356 63717 Marion County 54051 37356 41608 37598 38041 Marshall County 54053 25178 27045 24306 24459 Mason County 54055 64980 73942 63206 68206 Mercer County 54057 26697 27234 23109 22354 Mineral County 54059 33739 37336 32780 39742 Mingo County 54061 75509 75024 63714 55617 Monongalia County 54063 12406 12873 11272 11584 Monroe County 54065 12128 10711 8547 8376 Morgan County 54067 26775 28126 22552 25414 Nicholas County 54069 50871 61389 64197 68437 Ohio County 54071 8054 7910 7031 8093 Pendleton County 54073 7546 8236 7274 7124 Pleasants County 54075 9008 9919 8870 10136 Pocahontas County 54077 29037 30460 25455 27233 Preston County 54079 42835 38181 27625 23561 Putnam County 54081 76819 86821 70080 77826 Raleigh County 54083 27803 28734 24596 26349 Randolph County 54085 10233 11442 10145 10877 Ritchie County 54087 15120 15952 14111 15720 Roane County 54089 14204 15875 13213 15640 Summers County 54091 15144 16584 13878 15010 Taylor County 54093 7728 8675 7447 7750 Tucker County 54095 9796 11320 9929 10026 Tyler County 54097 22867 23427 19092 18292 Upshur County 54099 41636 46021 37581 38977 Wayne County 54101 10729 12245 9809 13719 Webster County 54103 19258 21874 20314 19347 Wetzel County 54105 5192 4922 4154 4391 Wirt County 54107 86915 93648 86818 78331 Wood County 54109 28990 35993 30095 34836 Wyoming County FIPS 1950 1940 1930 1920 00000 151325798 132164569 123202624 106021537 United States 54000 2005552 1901974 1729205 1463701 West Virginia 54001 19745 19869 18628 18028 Barbour County 54003 30359 29016 28030 24554 Berkeley County 54005 33173 28556 24586 15319 Boone County 54007 18082 21658 22579 23973 Braxton County 54009 26904 25513 24663 16527 Brooke County 54011 108035 97459 90786 65746 Cabell County 54013 10259 12455 10866 10268 Calhoun County 54015 14961 15206 13125 11486 Clay County 54017 9026 10923 10488 11976 Doddridge County 54019 82443 80628 72050 60377 Fayette County 54021 9746 12046 10641 10668 Gilmer County 54023 8756 8805 8441 8993 Grant County 54025 39295 38520 35878 26242 Greenbrier County 54027 12577 12974 11836 11713 Hampshire County 54029 34388 31572 28511 19975 Hancock County 54031 10032 10813 9816 9601 Hardy County 54033 85296 82911 78567 74793 Harrison County 54035 15299 16598 16124 18658 Jackson County 54037 17184 16762 15780 15729 Jefferson County 54039 239629 195619 157667 119650 Kanawha County 54041 21074 22271 21794 20455 Lewis County 54043 22466 22886 19156 19378 Lincoln County 54045 77391 67768 58534 41006 Logan County 54047 98887 94354 90479 68571 McDowell County 54049 71521 68683 66655 54571 Marion County 54051 36893 40189 39831 33681 Marshall County 54053 23537 22270 20788 21459 Mason County 54055 75013 68289 61323 49558 Mercer County 54057 22333 22215 20084 19849 Mineral County 54059 47409 40802 38319 26364 Mingo County 54061 60797 51252 50083 33618 Monongalia County 54063 13123 13577 11949 13141 Monroe County 54065 8276 8743 8406 8357 Morgan County 54067 27696 24070 20686 20717 Nicholas County 54069 71672 73115 72077 62892 Ohio County 54071 9313 10884 9660 9652 Pendleton County 54073 6369 6692 6545 7379 Pleasants County 54075 12480 13906 14555 15002 Pocahontas County 54077 31399 30416 29043 27996 Preston County 54079 21021 19511 16737 17531 Putnam County 54081 96273 86687 68072 42482 Raleigh County 54083 30558 30259 25049 26804 Randolph County 54085 12535 15389 15594 16506 Ritchie County 54087 18408 20787 19478 20129 Roane County 54089 19183 20409 20468 19092 Summers County 54091 18422 19919 19114 18742 Taylor County 54093 10600 13173 13374 16791 Tucker County 54095 10535 12559 12785 14186 Tyler County 54097 19242 18360 17944 17851 Upshur County 54099 38696 35566 31206 26012 Wayne County 54101 17888 18080 14216 11562 Webster County 54103 20154 22342 22334 23069 Wetzel County 54105 5119 6475 6358 7536 Wirt County 54107 66540 62399 56521 42306 Wood County 54109 37540 29774 20926 15180 Wyoming County FIPS 1910 1900 00000 92228496 76212168 United States 54000 1221119 958800 West Virginia 54001 15858 14198 Barbour County 54003 21999 19469 Berkeley County 54005 10331 8194 Boone County 54007 23023 18904 Braxton County 54009 11098 7219 Brooke County 54011 46685 29252 Cabell County 54013 11258 10266 Calhoun County 54015 10233 8248 Clay County 54017 12672 13689 Doddridge County 54019 51903 31987 Fayette County 54021 11379 11762 Gilmer County 54023 7838 7275 Grant County 54025 24833 20683 Greenbrier County 54027 11694 11806 Hampshire County 54029 10465 6693 Hancock County 54031 9163 8449 Hardy County 54033 48381 27690 Harrison County 54035 20956 22987 Jackson County 54037 15889 15935 Jefferson County 54039 81457 54696 Kanawha County 54041 18281 16980 Lewis County 54043 20491 15434 Lincoln County 54045 14476 6955 Logan County 54047 47856 18747 McDowell County 54049 42794 32430 Marion County 54051 32388 26444 Marshall County 54053 23019 24142 Mason County 54055 38371 23023 Mercer County 54057 16674 12883 Mineral County 54059 19431 11359 Mingo County 54061 24334 19049 Monongalia County 54063 13055 13130 Monroe County 54065 7848 7294 Morgan County 54067 17699 11403 Nicholas County 54069 57572 48024 Ohio County 54071 9349 9167 Pendleton County 54073 8074 9345 Pleasants County 54075 14740 8572 Pocahontas County 54077 26341 22727 Preston County 54079 18587 17330 Putnam County 54081 25633 12436 Raleigh County 54083 26028 17670 Randolph County 54085 17875 18901 Ritchie County 54087 21543 19852 Roane County 54089 18420 16265 Summers County 54091 16554 14978 Taylor County 54093 18675 13433 Tucker County 54095 16211 18252 Tyler County 54097 16629 14696 Upshur County 54099 24081 23619 Wayne County 54101 9680 8862 Webster County 54103 23855 22880 Wetzel County 54105 9047 10284 Wirt County 54107 38001 34452 Wood County 54109 10392 8380 Wyoming County