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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs > Releases > Press Releases > 2004 
White House Press Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Istanbul, Turkey
June 29, 2004

Elections in Afghanistan

Earlier today in Istanbul, the President and President Karzai discussed the upcoming elections in Afghanistan. The United States joins the international community in supporting Afghanistan and its upcoming electoral process. After years of suffering under a brutal and repressive Taliban regime, Afghanistan is free from tyranny and is no longer the safe haven for terrorist training. Today, the United States is proud to call Afghanistan a strong ally in the war on terror. The United States commends the Afghan people's refusal to be intimidated by terrorists in their quest to build a secure, stable, and democratic Afghanistan. The United States condemns these acts of terror against Afghan citizens who registered to vote, and are only seeking to be a part of Afghanistan's democratic future. The United States is firmly committed to supporting Afghanistan's journey to democracy and peace.

Released on June 29, 2004

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