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Welcome to the TMC Pooled-Fund Study (PFS) web page! You will find a wealth of information about the TMC PFS and its many activities. This site is the primary source to provide access to information on the most recent activities of the TMC PFS. The TMC PFS is intended to identify and address the key issues and challenges that are common among TMCs. Any agency or authority responsible for managing travel on portions of the surface transportation system is eligible to join and participate in the PFS. Click on the following links to access information on the various study activities:

Overview: Charter, study activities, latest status report, and membership information.

Meetings: TMC PFS meeting agendas, minutes, and handouts.

Projects: Submit new project ideas, list current, completed, and future projects.

Members: How to join, list of members, and members only page.
What's New
TMC PFS FY2007 Overview 11-Jan-07
Current and future TMC PFS activities and status overview
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TMCUpdate January 2007 Issue 31-Jan-07
TMC Pooled Fund Study Quarterly Newsletter
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TMC PFS Quarterly Progress Report 16-Mar-07
February 2007 Quarterly Project Progress and Status Report
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