Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies


final rule on work zone safety and mobility

These presentations were given at various conferences and meetings and provide an overview of the rule, as well as what FHWA is doing to support rule implementation and what some states are doing that fits in with the rule. Please contact the presentation authors directly if you have questions or comments regarding these presentations.

  • Implementation of Transportation Management Plans (HTML, PPT 4.6MB) - This presentation was given at the AASHTO Design Meeting on July 15, 2008. It is oriented toward the role that designers play in developing TMPs, but also covers the basics of TMP development, a summary of the state of the practice of TMP development and implementation across the country, and a list of TMP development resources.
  • WASHTO-X Work Zone Rule Web Conference - This web conference, organized by the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO), discussed the status of implementation among State DOT's and provided a forum of information exchange as to practices and policies that the States have developed and implemented. The web page provides a link to the recording of the web conference, as well as the presentations that were given during the conference.
  • Regional Workshops Detailed Presentation: Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (HTML, PPT 3.1MB) - This presentation was given at the Regional Workshops on the WZ Rule that were held around the country in 2006. It covers all the components of the Rule and includes information on implementation guidance. Much of the material presented comes from the WZ Rule guides.
  • Implementing the Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility - This presentation gives a brief overview of the Rule, as well as a high level summary of the Rule Implementation Guide. It also covers a number of topics related to implementing the Rule.

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Office of Operations