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Genetic Susceptibility to Pesticides
Grant Number R831709C002
RFA: Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research (2003)

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  • Abstract (1)
  • Book (1)
  • Book Chapter (11)
  • Journal Article (19)
  • Proceedings (2)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Abstract Cole TB, Pettan-Brewer C, Forbes A, Proll A, Furlong J, Costa LG, Furlong CE. Modulation of low-level organophosphate toxicity by human PON1, as assessed by microarray analysis. The Toxicologist 2006;90:1446. R831709C002 (2007)
    not available
    Book Costa LG, Eaton DL, eds. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. R831709 (2006)
    R831709 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Full-text: Wiley - Summary
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  • Book Chapter Battuello K, Furlong C, Fenske R, Austin M, Burke W. Paraoxonase polymorphisms and susceptibility to organophosphate pesticides: implications for pesticide applicators. In: Khoury MJ, Little J, Burke W, eds. Human Genome Epidemiology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Book Chapter Costa LG, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase (PON1) polymorphisms. In: Fuchs J, Podda M, eds. Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, 2004, pp. 965-969. R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Book Chapter Costa LG, Cole TB, Vitalone A, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase (PON1) polymorphisms and toxicity of organophosphates. In: Gupta RC, ed. Toxicology of Organophosphates & Carbamate Compounds. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2005, Chapter 18. R831709C002 (2005)
    not available
    Book Chapter Costa LG, Cole TB, Geiss GK, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase butyrylcholinesterase, and epoxide hydrolase. In: Costa LG, Eaton DL, eds. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006, Part II, Chapter 9. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Book Chapter Costa LG, Cole TB, Vitalone A, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase polymorphisms and toxicity of organophosphates. In: Gupta RC, ed. Toxicology of Organophosphates & Carbamate Compounds. San Diego, CA: Elsevier Inc., 2006. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Full-text: Elsevier - Summary/Table of Contents
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  • Book Chapter Costa LG, Cole TB, Geiss GK, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase, butyrylcholinesterase, and epoxide hydrolase. In: Costa LG, Eaton DL, eds. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. R831709 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Full-text: Wiley - Summary
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  • Other: Wiley - Table of Contents
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  • Book Chapter Costa LG. Receptors and ion channels. In: Costa LG, Eaton DL, eds. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Full-text: Wiley - Summary
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  • Other: Wiley - Table of Contents
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  • Book Chapter Costa LG. Toxic effects of pesticides. In: Klaassen CD, ed. Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 7th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2007, pp. 883-932. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2007)
  • Full-text: McGraw-Hill - Summary
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  • Book Chapter Furlong C, Li W, Cole T, Mapsa R, Richter R, Jarvik G, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, Costa L. Understanding the significance of genetic variability in the human PON1 gene. In: Valdes JJ, Sekowski JW, eds. Toxicogenomics and Proteomics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, 2004. R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Book Chapter Kelada SN, Checkoway H, Costa LG. Neurodegenerative diseases. In: Costa LG, Eaton DL, eds. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of Ecogenetics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Full-text: Wiley - Summary
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  • Other: Wiley - Table of Contents
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  • Book Chapter Richter RJ, Jampsa RL, Jarvik GP, Costa LG, Furlong CE. Determination of paraoxonase 1 status and genotypes at specific polymorphic sites. In: Maines M, Costa LG, Hodgson E, Reed DJ, eds. Current Protocols in Toxicology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004, pp. 1-19. R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Cole TB, Walter BJ, Shih DM, Tward AD, Lusis AJ, Timchalk C, Richter RJ, Costa LG, Furlong CE. Toxicity of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos oxon in a transgenic mouse model of the human paraoxonase (PON1) Q192R polymorphism. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2005;15(8):589-598. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2005)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Cole TB, Jarvik GP, Furlong CE. Functional genomic of the paraoxonase (PON1) polymorphisms: effects on pesticide sensitivity, cardiovascular disease, and drug metabolism. Annual Review of Medicine 2003;54:371-92. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Richter RJ, Li W-F, Cole T, Guizzetti M, Furlong CE. Paraoxonase (PON1) as a biomarker of susceptibility for organophosphate toxicity. Biomarkers 2003;8(1):1-12. R826886C002 (2002)
    R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Costa LG, Cole TB, Furlong CE. Polymorphisms of paraoxonase (PON1) and their significance in clinical toxicology of organophosphates. Journal of Toxicology-Clinical Toxicology 2003;41:37-45. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Cole TB, Vitalone A, Furlong CE. Measurement of paraoxonase (PON1) status as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to organophosphate toxicity. Clinica Chimica Acta 2005;352(1-2):37-47. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Vitalone A, Cole TB, Furlong CE. Modulation of paraoxonase (PON1) activity. Biochemical Pharmacology 2005;69(4):541-550. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Cole TB, Furlong CE. Gene-environment interactions: paraoxonase (PON1) and sensitivity to organophosphate toxicity. Lab Medicine 2006;37(2):109-113. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C001 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2007)
    not available
    Journal Article Costa LG, Giordano G, Guizzetti M, Vitalone A. Neurotoxicity of pesticides: a brief review. Frontiers in Bioscience 2008;13(4):1240-1249. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2007)
    R831709C001 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2007)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Eskenazi B, Harley K, Bradman A, Weltzien E, Jewell NP, Barr DB, Furlong CE, Holland NT. Association of in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and fetal growth and length of gestation in an agricultural population. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(10):1116-1124. R831709C002 (2004)
    R831710 (2004)
    R831710 (2005)
    R831710C001 (2004)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Environmental Health Perspectives Full Text
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  • Other: Environmental Health Perspectives PDF
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  • Journal Article Furlong CE, Cole TB, Walter BJ, Shih DM, Tward A, Lusis AJ, Timchalk C, Richter RJ, Costa LG. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) status and risk of insecticide exposure. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 2005;19(3):182-183. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2005)
    not available
    Journal Article Furlong CE, Cole TB, Jarvik GP, Pettan-Brewer C, Geiss GK, Richter RJ, Shih DM, Tward DA, Lusis JA, Costa LG. Role of paraoxonase (PON1) status in pesticide sensitivity: genetic and temporal determinants. Neurotoxicology 2005;26(4):651-659. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Furlong CE, Holland N, Richter RJ, Bradman A, Ho A, Eskenazi B. PON1 status of farmworker mothers and children as a predictor of organophosphate sensitivity. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2006;16(3):183-190. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2006)
    R831710 (2004)
    R831710 (2005)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Other: Berkeley PDF
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  • Journal Article Giordano G, Afsharinejad Z, Guizzetti M, Vitalone A, Kavanagh TJ, Costa LG. Organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon and oxidative stress in neuronal cells in a genetic model of glutathione deficiency. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2007;219(2-3):181-189. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709 (2007)
    R831709C001 (2006)
    R831709C001 (2007)
    R831709C002 (2007)
  • Full-text: ScienceDirect
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  • Abstract: ScienceDirect
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  • Other: ScienceDirect PDF
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  • Journal Article Guizzetti M, Pathak S, Giordano G, Costa LG. Effect of organophosphorus insecticides and their metabolites on astroglial cell proliferation. Toxicology 2005;215(3):182-190. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C001 (2005)
    R831709C001 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2006)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ScienceDirect
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  • Other: ScienceDirect PDF
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  • Journal Article Holland N, Furlong C, Bastaki M, Richter R, Bradman A, Huen K, Beckman K, Eskenazi B. Paraoxonase polymorphisms, haplotypes, and enzyme activity in Latino mothers and newborns. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(7):985-991. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2006)
    R831710 (2004)
    R831710 (2005)
    R832734 (2006)
  • Full-text from PubMed
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: EHP
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  • Other: EHP PDF
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  • Journal Article Jarvik GP, Jampsa R, Richter RJ, Carlson CS, Rieder MJ, Nickerson DA, Furlong CE. Novel paraoxonase (PON1) nonsense and missense mutations predicted by functional genomic assay of PON1 status. Pharmacogenetics 2003;13(5):291-295. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Tiffany-Castiglioni E, Venkratraj V, Qian Y. Genetic polymorphisms and mechanisms of neurotoxicity: overview. Neurotoxicology 2005;26(4):641-649. R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Journal Article Young JG, Eskenazi B, Gladstone EA, Bradman A, Pedersen L, Johnson C, Barr DB, Furlong CE, Holland NT. Association between in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and abnormal reflexes in neonates. NeuroToxicology 2005;26(2):199-209. R831709 (2005)
    R831709 (2006)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    R831709C002 (2006)
    R831710 (2004)
    R831710 (2005)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ScienceDirect
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  • Other: ScienceDirect PDF
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  • Journal Article Kelada SN, Costa-Mallen P, Checkoway H, Viernes HA, Farin FM, Smith-Weller T, Franklin GM, Costa LG, Longstreth Jr. WT, Furlong CE, Javrik GP, Swanson PD. Paraoxonase 1 promoter and coding region polymorphisms in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2003;74(4):546-547. R831709 (2005)
    R831709C002 (2004)
    not available
    Proceedings Costa L. PON1 and organophosphate toxicity. In: Proccedings of the 2nd International Conference on Paraoxonases, Hajduszoboszio, Hungary, September 7-10, 2006. R831709C002 (2007)
    not available
    Proceedings Furlong C. The functional consequences of polymorphisms in the human PON1 gene. In: Proccedings of the 2nd International Conference on Paraoxonases, Hajduszoboszio, Hungary, September 7-10, 2006. R831709C002 (2007)
    not available

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