The Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting

About the Center


The Center functions as a virtual DOT-wide organization, with a membership of nine DOT operating administrations and the Office of the Secretary of DOT. Strategic direction is provided by a Climate Council comprised of the administrators of the member organizations. A steering committee of senior executives from each of the member organizations leads the Center. Operating administrations support the Center's work through contributions of funds, staff, and technical expertise, and by participating in Center efforts to share information, build partnerships, and coordinate activities related to climate change. A cross-modal, virtual structure helps to ensure strong participation throughout the DOT, while avoiding unnecessary administrative and institutional costs.

Diagram of the cross-modal, virtual structure of participation throughout the DOT.

Climate Council

Office of the Secretary of Transportation
Jeffrey N. Shane, Under Secretary for Policy
Chair of the Climate Council

Federal Aviation Administration
Marion Blakey, Administrator

Federal Highway Administration
Richard Capka, Acting Administrator

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
John Hill, Administrator

Federal Transit Administration
James Simpson, Administrator

Federal Railroad Administration
Joseph Boardman, Administrator

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration
Nicole Nason, Administrator

Research and Innovative Technology Administration
John Bobo, Acting Administrator

Maritime Administration
Sean Connaughton, Administrator

Steering Committee Members

Office of the Secretary of Transportation
Robert DeHaan
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy
Co-Chair of the Steering Committee
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy

Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Jan Brecht-Clark
Associate Administrator for Research, Development and Technology
Co-Chair of the Steering Committee

Federal Aviation Administration
Lourdes Maurice
Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Environment
Office of Environment and Energy

Federal Highway Administration
April Marchese
Director, Office of Natural and Human Environment
Office of Natural and Human Environment

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Michael Johnsen
Environmental Program Analyst

Federal Railroad Administration
Jane Bachner
Deputy Associate Administrator for Industry and Intermodal Policy

Federal Transit Administration
Robert Tuccillo
Deputy Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy

Maritime Administration
Margaret Blum
Associate Administrator for Port, Intermodal, and Environmental Activities
Office of Port, Intermodal, and Environmental Activities

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration
Julie Abraham
Director for the Office of International Policy, Fuel Economy and Consumer Programs

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