[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 37, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 37CFR251.45]

[Page 562-563]
      Subpart E--Procedures of Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels
Sec. 251.45  Discovery and prehearing motions.

    (a) Request for comment, notice of intention to participate. In the 
case of a royalty fee distribution proceeding, the Librarian of Congress 
shall, after the time period for filing claims, publish in the Federal 
Register a notice requesting each claimant on the claimant list to 
negotiate with each other a settlement of their differences, and to 
comment by a date certain as to the existence of controversies with 
respect to the royalty funds described in the notice. Such notice shall 
also establish a date certain by which parties wishing to participate in 
the proceeding must file with the Librarian a notice of intention to 
participate. In the case of a rate adjustment proceeding, the Librarian 
of Congress shall, after receiving a petition for rate adjustment filed 
under Sec. 251.62, or, in the case of noncommercial educational 
broadcasting and satellite carrier, prior to the commencement of 
proceedings, publish in the Federal Register a notice requesting 
interested parties to comment on the petition for rate adjustment. Such 
notice shall also establish a date certain by which parties wishing to 
participate in the proceeding must file with the Librarian a notice of 
intention to participate.
    (b) Precontroversy discovery, filing of written cases, scheduling. 
(1)(i) In the case of a royalty fee distribution proceeding, the 
Librarian of Congress shall, after the filing of comments and

[[Page 563]]

notices described in paragraph (a) of this section, designate a 45-day 
period for precontroversy discovery and exchange of documents. The 
period will begin with the exchange of written direct cases among the 
parties to the proceeding. Each party to the proceeding must effect 
actual delivery of a complete copy of its written direct case on each of 
the other parties to the proceeding no later than the first day of the 
45-day period. At any time during the 45-day period, any party to the 
proceeding may file with the Librarian prehearing motions and 
objections, including petitions to dispense with formal hearings under 
Sec. 251.41(b) and objections to arbitrators appearing on the arbitrator 
list under Sec. 251.4. Responses to motions, petitions, and objections 
must be filed with the Librarian within seven business days from the 
filing of such motions, petitions, and objections. Replies to the 
responses shall be filed within five business days from the filing of 
such responses with the Librarian. Each party must serve all motions, 
petitions, objections, oppositions, and replies on the other parties or 
their counsel by means no slower than overnight express mail on the same 
day the pleading is filed.
    (ii) Subject to Sec. 251.72, the Librarian shall establish, prior to 
the commencement of the 45-day period, the date on which arbitration 
proceedings will be initiated.
    (2)(i) In the case of a rate adjustment proceeding, the Librarian of 
Congress shall, after the filing of comments and notices described in 
paragraph (a) of this section, designate a 45-day period for 
precontroversy discovery and exchange of documents. The period will 
begin with the exchange of written direct cases among the parties to the 
proceeding. Each party to the proceeding must effect actual delivery of 
a complete copy of its written direct case on each of the other parties 
to the proceeding no later than the first day of the 45-day period. At 
any time during the 45-day period, any party to the proceeding may file 
with the Librarian prehearing motions and objections, including 
petitions to dispense with formal hearings under Sec. 251.41(b) and 
objections to arbitrators appearing on the arbitrator list under 
Sec. 251.4. Responses to motions, petitions, and objections must be 
filed with the Librarian within seven business days from the filing of 
such motions, petitions, and objections. Replies to the responses shall 
be filed within five business days from the filing of such responses 
with the Librarian. Each party must serve all motions, petitions, 
objections, oppositions, and replies on the other parties or their 
counsel by means no slower than overnight express mail on the same day 
the pleading is filed.
    (ii) Subject to Sec. 251.64, the Librarian shall establish, prior to 
the commencement of the 45-day period, the date on which arbitration 
proceedings will be initiated.
    (c) Discovery and motions filed with a Copyright Arbitration Royalty 
Panel. (1) A Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel shall designate a 
period following the filing of written direct and rebuttal cases with it 
in which parties may request of an opposing party nonprivileged 
underlying documents related to the written exhibits and testimony.
    (2) After the filing of written cases with a CARP, any party may 
file with a CARP objections to any portion of another party's written 
case on any proper ground including, without limitation, relevance, 
competency, and failure to provide underlying documents. If an objection 
is apparent from the face of a written case, that objection must be 
raised or the party may thereafter be precluded from raising such an 
    (d) Amended filings and discovery. In the case of objections filed 
with either the Librarian of Congress or a CARP, each party may amend 
its claim, petition, written case, or direct evidence to respond to the 
objections raised by other parties, or to the requests of either the 
Librarian or a panel. Such amendments must be properly filed with the 
Librarian or the CARP, wherever appropriate, and exchanged with all 
parties. All parties shall be given a reasonable opportunity to conduct 
discovery on the amended filings.

[59 FR 23981, May 9, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 63041, Dec. 7, 1994; 61 
FR 63718, Dec. 2, 1996]

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