[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 37, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 37CFR1.530]

[Page 134-135]
                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
              Subpart D--Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
Sec. 1.530  Statement by patent owner in ex parte reexamination; amendment by patent owner in ex parte or inter partes reexamination; inventorship change in ex 
          parte or inter partes reexamination.

    (a) Except as provided in Sec. 1.510(e), no statement or other 
response by the patent owner in an ex parte reexamination proceeding 
shall be filed prior to the determinations made in accordance with 
Sec. 1.515 or Sec. 1.520. If a premature statement or other response is 
filed by the patent owner, it will not be acknowledged or considered in 
making the determination.
    (b) The order for ex parte reexamination will set a period of not 
less than two months from the date of the order within which the patent 
owner may file a statement on the new question of patentability, 
including any proposed amendments the patent owner wishes to make.
    (c) Any statement filed by the patent owner shall clearly point out 
why the subject matter as claimed is not anticipated or rendered obvious 
by the prior art patents or printed publications, either alone or in any 
reasonable combinations. Where the reexamination request was filed by a 
third party requester, any statement filed by the patent owner must be 
served upon the ex parte reexamination requester in accordance with 
Sec. 1.248.
    (d) Making amendments in a reexamination proceeding. A proposed 
amendment in an ex parte or an inter partes reexamination proceeding is 
made by filing a paper directing that proposed specified changes be made 
to the patent specification, including the claims, or to the drawings. 
An amendment paper directing that proposed specified changes be made in 
a reexamination proceeding may be submitted as an accompaniment to a 
request filed by the patent owner in accordance with Sec. 1.510(e), as 
part of a patent owner statement in accordance with paragraph (b) of 
this section, or, where permitted, during the prosecution of the 
reexamination proceeding pursuant to Sec. 1.550(a) or Sec. 1.937.
    (1) Specification other than the claims. Changes to the 
specification, other than to the claims, must be made by submission of 
the entire text of an added or rewritten paragraph including markings 
pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, except that an entire 
paragraph may be deleted by a statement deleting the paragraph, without 
presentation of the text of the paragraph. The precise point in the 
specification must be identified where any added or rewritten paragraph 
is located. This paragraph applies whether the amendment is submitted on 
paper or compact disc (see Secs. 1.96 and 1.825).
    (2) Claims. An amendment paper must include the entire text of each 
patent claim which is being proposed to be changed by such amendment 
paper and of each new claim being proposed to be added by such amendment 
paper. For any claim changed by the amendment paper, a parenthetical 
expression ``amended,'' ``twice amended,'' etc., should follow the claim 
number. Each patent claim proposed to be changed and each proposed added 
claim must include markings pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, 
except that a patent claim or proposed added claim should be canceled by 
a statement canceling the claim, without presentation of the text of the 
    (3) Drawings. Any change to the patent drawings must be submitted as 
a sketch on a separate paper showing the proposed changes in red for 
approval by the examiner. Upon approval of the changes by the examiner, 
only new

[[Page 135]]

sheets of drawings including the changes and in compliance with 
Sec. 1.84 must be filed. Amended figures must be identified as 
``Amended,'' and any added figure must be identified as ``New.'' In the 
event a figure is canceled, the figure must be surrounded by brackets 
and identified as ``Canceled.''
    (4) The formal requirements for papers making up the reexamination 
proceeding other than those set forth in this section are set out in 
Sec. 1.52.
    (e) Status of claims and support for claim changes. Whenever there 
is an amendment to the claims pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, 
there must also be supplied, on pages separate from the pages containing 
the changes, the status (i.e., pending or canceled), as of the date of 
the amendment, of all patent claims and of all added claims, and an 
explanation of the support in the disclosure of the patent for the 
changes to the claims made by the amendment paper.
    (f) Changes shown by markings. Any changes relative to the patent 
being reexamined which are made to the specification, including the 
claims, must include the following markings:
    (1) The matter to be omitted by the reexamination proceeding must be 
enclosed in brackets; and
    (2) The matter to be added by the reexamination proceeding must be 
    (g) Numbering of patent claims preserved. Patent claims may not be 
renumbered. The numbering of any claims added in the reexamination 
proceeding must follow the number of the highest numbered patent claim.
    (h) Amendment of disclosure may be required. The disclosure must be 
amended, when required by the Office, to correct inaccuracies of 
description and definition, and to secure substantial correspondence 
between the claims, the remainder of the specification, and the 
    (i) Amendments made relative to patent. All amendments must be made 
relative to the patent specification, including the claims, and 
drawings, which are in effect as of the date of filing the request for 
    (j) No enlargement of claim scope. No amendment may enlarge the 
scope of the claims of the patent or introduce new matter. No amendment 
may be proposed for entry in an expired patent. Moreover, no amendment, 
other than the cancellation of claims, will be incorporated into the 
patent by a certificate issued after the expiration of the patent.
    (k) Amendments not effective until certificate. Although the Office 
actions will treat proposed amendments as though they have been entered, 
the proposed amendments will not be effective until the reexamination 
certificate is issued.
    (l) Correction of inventorship in an ex parte or inter partes 
reexamination proceeding.
    (1) When it appears in a patent being reexamined that the correct 
inventor or inventors were not named through error without deceptive 
intention on the part of the actual inventor or inventors, the 
Commissioner may, on petition of all the parties set forth in 
Sec. 1.324(b)(1)-(3), including the assignees, and satisfactory proof of 
the facts and payment of the fee set forth in Sec. 1.20(b), or on order 
of a court before which such matter is called in question, include in 
the reexamination certificate to be issued under Sec. 1.570 or 
Sec. 1.977 an amendment naming only the actual inventor or inventors. 
The petition must be submitted as part of the reexamination proceeding 
and must satisfy the requirements of Sec. 1.324.
    (2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph (1)(1) of this section, 
if a petition to correct inventorship satisfying the requirements of 
Sec. 1.324 is filed in a reexamination proceeding, and the reexamination 
proceeding is terminated other than by a reexamination certificate under 
Sec. 1.570 or Sec. 1.977, a certificate of correction indicating the 
change of inventorship stated in the petition will be issued upon 
request by the patentee.

[46 FR 29185, May 29, 1981, as amended at 62 FR 53200, Oct. 10, 1997; 65 
FR 54678, Sept. 8, 2000; 65 FR 76775, Dec. 7, 2000]