[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 37, Volume 1]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 37CFR252.3]

[Page 571-572]
Sec. 252.3  Content of Claims.

    (a) Single claim. A claim filed on behalf of a single copyright 
owner of a work or works secondarily transmitted by a cable system shall 
include the following information:

[[Page 572]]

    (1) The full legal name and address of the copyright owner entitled 
to claim the royalty fees.
    (2) A general statement of the nature of the copyright owner's work 
or works, and identification of at least one secondary transmission by a 
cable system of such work or works establishing a basis for the claim.
    (3) The name, telephone number, facsimile number, if any, and full 
address, including a specific number and street name or rural route, of 
the person or entity filing the single claim.
    (4) An original signature of the copyright owner or of a duly 
authorized representative of the copyright owner.
    (b) Joint claim. A claim filed on behalf of more than one copyright 
owner whose works have been secondarily transmitted by a cable system 
shall include the following information:
    (1) A list including the full legal name and address of each 
copyright owner to the joint claim entitled to claim royalty fees.
    (2) A concise statement of the authorization for the person or 
entity filing the joint claim. For this purpose, a performing rights 
society shall not be required to obtain from its members or affiliates 
separate authorizations, apart from their standard membership affiliate 
agreements, or to list the name of each of its members or affiliates in 
the joint claim as required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
    (3) A general statement of the nature of the copyright owners' works 
and identification of at least one secondary transmission of one of the 
copyright owners' works by a cable system establishing a basis for the 
joint claim and the identification of the copyright owner of each work 
so identified.
    (4) The name, telephone number, facsimile number, if any, and full 
address, including a specific number and street name or rural route, of 
the person filing the joint claim.
    (5) Original signatures of the copyright owners to the joint claim 
or of a duly authorized representative or representatives of the 
copyright owners.
    (c) In the event that the legal name and/or address of the copyright 
owner entitled to royalties or the person or entity filing the claim 
changes after the filing of the claim, the Copyright Office shall be 
notified of the change. If the good faith efforts of the Copyright 
Office to contact the copyright owner or person or entity filing the 
claim are frustrated because of failure to notify the Office of a name 
and/or address change, the claim may be subject to dismissal.

[66 FR 29703, June 1, 2001]