
The consumer Goods reports have been updated. Click below to view them.

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Connect with BISNIS
Proud winner of the Forbes Best of Web BISNIS is the U.S. Government's primary market information center for U.S. companies exploring export and investment opportunities in Russia and Eurasia. BISNIS provides U.S. companies with the latest market reports and tips on developments, export and investment leads, and strategies for doing business in Russia and Eurasia. Since opening in 1992, BISNIS has facilitated more than $4.0 billion worth of U.S. exports and overseas investments.

The Business Information Services for Newly Independent States (BISNIS) Program ended effective March 31, 2008. The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, together with the U.S. Embassies in Russia, Western NIS, the Caucasus and Central Asia, will continue to work with U.S. companies interested in opportunities in the region. For more information , please contact the U.S. Trade Information Center at 1-800-USA-TRADE or visit www.export.gov.Alternatively, below are listed a number of other useful resources.
The customs reports have been updated. Click above to view them.
U.S. Commercial Service
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Department of Commerce - International Trade Administration