November 28, 2008
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The tryptophan is going to our heads!
For those of you unaware of Thanksgiving's only serious side effect, here's a little information about tryptophan (also known as "that stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy"). So in light of that turkey-induced coma we're expecting come Thursday, BoardBuzz is taking the week off to prepare. We'll catch you back here after the holiday.

NSBA to Feds: Facilitate, Don't Dictate
NSBA has released its vision for redefining the federal role in education and how the Obama administration can make education an urgent national priority, as outlined in a new paper "A New Era in Education."

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American School Board Journal Thumbnail

Recent cover stories from ASBJ.

Protecting Students Online
Web-savvy kids are trying anything and everything to connect to their peers, but are not aware of the dangers that lurk in online communities. Teachers and, to a lesser extent, parents are not as facile with the new technology, and are hard pressed to keep tabs on what kids are doing.

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School officials worried about gloomy economy
For school districts, the biggest immediate impact of the Wall Street crisis was the drying up of short-term credit. Over the long-term, districts can expect decreased revenue if tax receipts continue to decline and costs keep rising.

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The Executive Director of the National School Boards Association, Anne Bryant, discusses important issues in public education.

Mp3 Audio [Mp3 Audio]

School Climate Matters
This month Anne discusses NSBA’s Council of Urban Boards of Education’s latest report, What We Think, which examines parent perceptions of urban school climate. Listen and learn what your district can do to improve school climate.

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