
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention publishes Catalyst, a newsletter covering current AODV prevention issues at institutions of higher education. Catalyst discusses emerging issues and highlights innovative efforts on campuses that may be helpful at other institutions of higher education.

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Catalyst (Spring 2008 Vol. 10 No. 1)

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  • “Mutual Interests: Involving Faculty in Campus Prevention Work,” by William DeJong
    with “Leadership From the Top,” “A Message to Faculty,” “Getting Faculty Involved,” and “A Role for All Faculty Members”
  • “Faculty Involvement With Prevention Data Collection”
  • “Q&A With Linda Costigan Lederman”
  • “Curriculum Infusion: Bringing Prevention Into the Classroom”

Network Section:

  • “Faculty Involvement at Sacramento State”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” (new member institutions, November 1, 2007–March 31, 2008)

Catalyst (Winter 2008 Vol. 9 No. 3)

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  • “Evaluation for Prevention Programs”
    with “Principles of Effectiveness for Prevention Programs”
  • “Evaluation on a Shoestring”
  • “Dealing With Alcohol and Other Drug Issues at Small Colleges: So What’s the Problem, Anyway?” by Laurence W. Mazzeno
  • “It’s Only Logical,” by Linda Langford

Network Section:

  • “Q&A With Peggy Glider”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” (new member institutions, August 1–October 31, 2007)

Catalyst (Fall 2007 Vol. 9 No. 2)

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  • “Policy and Enforcement Go Hand in Hand”
    with “Ten Key Actions for Colleges and Universities to Prevent and Reduce Student Substance Abuse” and “Some Measures to Consider From the Surgeon General”
  • “Blurring the Line Between Campus and Community”
  • “Medical Amnesty—Effective or Not?”
  • “Q&A With Peter Lake”

Network Section:

  • “A Campus and Community Coalition to Reduce High-Risk Drinking”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” (new member institutions, June 1–July 31, 2007

Catalyst (Summer 2007 Vol. 9 No. 1)

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  • “Campuses and Communities: Working Together to Reduce Alcohol-Related Problems”
  • “Model Programs: Promoting Effective Campus-Based Prevention”
  • with “2006 Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Models on College Campuses Grant Awardees”

  • “Innovative Coalitions to Address Sexual Assault and Dating Violence”
  • “Campus and Community Coalition Building: A Success in Massachusetts”

Network Section:

  • “Campus and Community: Working Together at the University of Georgia”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” (new member institutions, April 1–May 31, 2007)

Catalyst (Spring 2007 Vol. 8 No. 3)

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  • “Diversity on Campus: Implications for Prevention”
    with “Prevalence and Problems Among Different Populations”
  • “Meeting the Prevention Needs of a Diverse Population”
  • “Latinos: A Growing Presence on U.S. Campuses”
  • “Q&A With Dolores Cimini” [director of the Middle Earth Peer Assistance program at the University at Albany, SUNY]
    with “SAISD—Substance and Alcohol Intervention Services for the Deaf at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf” and “Resources” and “Substance Abuse and Students With Disabilities: Little Known Facts”
  • “Lessons From a Historically Black University: Elizabeth City State University” by Anthony Brown and Beth DeRicco
    with “HBCU National Resource Center” and “HBCU Resources at the Higher Education Center”

Network Section:

  • “College Prevention on the Run: Commuter Colleges Are Faced With Unique Challenges”
  • “Welcome New Network Members”
  • Link to names of new member institutions, January 1–March 31, 2007.

Catalyst (Winter 2007 Vol. 8 No. 2)

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  • “Taking Law Enforcement Seriously in Colorado”
  • “Getting House Parties Under Control”
    with “A Model Social Host Liability Ordinance”
  • “Change in a College Community: Lessons Learned From the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign”
  • “Q&A With Steven Healy, Princeton University’s Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police” [He also is the current president of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.]

Network Section:

  • “New Network Structure Builds on Old” by Joan Masters and Carla Lapelle
  • “Welcome New Network Members” (new member institutions, September 1–December 31, 2006)

Catalyst (Summer 2006 Vol. 8 No. 1)

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  • Model Programs at the 19th National Meeting
  • New Grantees Address Violence Prevention
  • Q&A With Richard Lucey, Jr., and Beth DeRicco
  • Making the Most of the Biennial Review
  • Come to the National Meeting! announcement

Network Section:

  • The Biennial Review: Daunting Task or Welcomed Opportunity?
  • Welcome New Network Members (new member institutions, May 1 - August 31, 2006)
    with Identifying Characteristics of Model Programs and What Does EDGAR Part 86 Require?

Catalyst (Spring 2006 Vol. 7 No. 3)

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  • "Confronting Violence Head-on"
  • "Taking Hazing Seriously"
    with "Resource for Violence Prevention"
  • "Message from the Center Director"
  • "No Way to Celebrate"
  • "Violence Prevention and the Department of Education"
  • "The Role of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Campus Violence Prevention"

Network Section:

  • "Violence Goes to College Conference," by Sally Spencer-Thomas
    with "The Network Statement on Violence and Alcohol and Other Drug Use/Abuse"
  • "California Update," by Tom Colthurst
  • "Welcome New Network Members" [new member institutions, August 1, 2005 - April 30, 2006]

Catalyst (Winter 2006 Vol. 7 No. 2)

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  • “College Students and Other Drugs”
  • “Commentary: Environmental Management and the Prevention of Other Drug Abuse”
  • “Message from the Center Director”
  • “Q&A With R. Vic Morgan”
  • with “Marijuana and Learning”

  • “Legal but Not Necessarily Safe”
  • with “Online and Easy!”

  • “Brief: Performance Enhancer?”

Network Section:

  • “One Step Forward, One Step Back Reframing the Issue of Collegiate Drinking,” by Robert J. Chapman
  • “Activist Coalitions Get Offensive Show Suspended”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” [new member institutions, April 2005–July 2005]

Catalyst (Spring 2005 Vol. 7 No. 1)

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  • “U.S. Department of Education Perspective: Emphasis on Safety from the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools”
    with “Four Elements of a Comprehensive Plan”
  • “Message from the Center Director”
  • “Planning for a Crisis: It’s Not an Oxymoron”
    with “What Can Students Contribute in an Emergency?” and “Emergency Preparedness Resources”
  • “Q&A with Eugene Zdziarski”
  • “Highlights from the U.S. Department of Education’s 18th Annual National Meeting on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention in Higher Education”
    with “Save the Date—Driving What Works—National Meeting 2005”

Network Section:

  • “Publishing as a Way to Make Prevention a Campuswide Imperative,” by Mary Stuart Hunter
  • “Keeping Up Standards”
  • “Welcome New Network Members” [new member institutions, April 2004–April 2005]

Browse previous Catalyst issues (1994-2001)