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Region 3 celebrates Earth Day

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Trash floating in the air - Road sign: "Welcome to Trash Nation" - Cat sitting on stone road marker:"Stop the trash Madness"

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Take Home Kit Earth Day “Take-Home Kit” learn how you and your family can protect the environment every day in lots of ways.



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Earth Day, April 22, is an annual observance held to increase public awareness of the environment. Each year on Earth Day, millions of people throughout the world gather together to celebrate the event by cleaning up parks and schools, going out and teaching others and learning about progress in reducing pollution. Links below help you choose how to celebrate Earth Day every day.

EPA Celebrates Earth Day Throughout April with New Web and Multimedia Features How can you reduce your carbon footprint, make your home or business water efficient or make sure our nation's beaches stay clean this summer? April 22 was Earth Day and this year, EPA launched several online initiatives throughout the month of April to help raise environmental awareness.

Click on the black arrow to begin video.

Microphone IconRegional Administrator's Earth Day remarks (interviewed by EPA staff)

Region 3 Earth Day Events, Activities, and Multi-Media Resources



Sustainable Development Expo in Washington, DC - link to information




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The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, was organized by former U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. An overwhelming response helped to continue Earth Day celebrations throughout the years since then, leading the way to enactment of environmental laws and creation of environmental organizations which continue to serve us well. No single organization owns Earth Day. Internationally there are hundreds of organizations planning activities on April 22 and through the month of April.

It takes everyone to protect our earth....... everyone working together, 365 days a year. In the 34 years since the first Earth Day we have made tremendous progress because of the efforts of the public. The greatest gains in environmental quality in the years ahead will come with voluntary actions that encourage environmental stewardship.

Everyday is Earth Day.



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