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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005

Financial Section

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Intragovernmental Assets and Liabilities


United States Department of Commerce Intragovernmental Assets and Liabilities
As of September 30, 2005 (In Thousands)

Intragovernmental Assets
As of September 30, 2005 (In Thousands)
Trading Partner Fund Balance
with Treasury
Receivable, Net
Advances and Prepayments Total
Name Number
Department of the Treasury 20 $7,041,269 $  (162) $     4 $7,041,111
Department of Transportation 69          -  14,912      413      15,325
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 80          -   9,356        -      9,356
Department of Homeland Security 70          -   1,586    3,790      5,376
Environmental Protection Agency 68          -   5,151        -      5,151
Department of Energy 89          -   4,795        -      4,795
U.S. Postal Service 18          -       3    3,321      3,324
Department of the Navy 17          -   3,103        -      3,103
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 96          -   3,024        -      3,024
Department of the Interior 14          -   2,419       10      2,429
Government Printing Office 04          -       -    2,100      2,100
Department of the Air Force 57          -   2,065        -      2,065
Agency for International Development 72          -   1,980        -      1,980
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Intragovernmental Liabilities
As of September 30, 2005 (In Thousands)
Trading Partner Accounts
Debt to
Payable to
Other Total
Name Number
Department of the Treasury 20 $   166 $357,581 $     - $  2,740 $      - $  360,487
Treasury General Fund 99       -        -  43,864        -  114,726    158,590
Office of the Secretary of Defense - Defense Agencies 97   8,153        -       -  114,493        -    122,646
Department of Homeland Security 70     680        -       -   66,055        -     66,735
Department of Labor 16     174        -       -   17,096   31,370     48,640
Department of Justice 15     154        -       -   41,357        -     41,511
Department of Health and Human Services 75   4,868        -       -   30,318        -     35,186
General Services Administration 47  19,392        -       -    4,993    2,366     26,751
Department of State 19   8,679        -       -   12,895       18     21,592
Department of the Air Force 57   4,177        -       -    9,679        -     13,856
Department of Education 91       -        -       -   13,027        -     13,027
National Science Foundation 49   2,934        -       -    9,874        -     12,808
Environmental Protection Agency 68     216        -       -   10,587        -     10,803
Unidentified 00   4,397        -       -    6,020        -     10,417
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 80   2,996        -       -    6,850        -      9,846
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United States Department of Commerce Intragovernmental Transfers
For the Year Ended September 30, 2005 (In Thousands)
Trading Partner Transfers In Transfers Out
Name Number
Appropriation Transfers:      
Department of the Navy 17 $18,000 $    - 
Agency for International Development 72   6,347      - 
Independent Agencies 95   2,778      - 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 96   1,679  1,679 
Department of Interior
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Transfers Without Reimbursement:
Department of Agriculture 12 $77,539 $    - 
Department of Health and Human Services 75   5,332      - 
Department of Interior 14   3,507     58 
Department of the Treasury 20   2,425      - 
General Services Administration 47      62      - 
Treasury General Fund
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