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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005


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Appendix B: Performance Goals and Measures that Have Been Discontinued or Changed



Achieve organizational and management excellence

Performance Goals:
  • Ensure effective resource stewardship in support of the Department’s programs (DM)
  • Strategic management of human capital (DM)
  • Acquire and manage the technology resources to support program goals (DM)
Change Goals consolidated into one goal "Identify and effectively manage human and material resources critical to the success of the Department’s strategic goals (DM)"
Justification DM has consolidated the three previous performance goals into one comprehensive performance goal that better defines how our performance measures help us achieve organizational and management excellence.

Performance Goal: Ensure effective resource stewardship in support of the Department's programs (DM)
  • Clean audit opinion on Department’s consolidated financial statements
  • Consolidate Commerce-wide integrated financial management system platforms
Change Measures consolidated into one measure "Provide accurate and timely financial information and conform to federal standards, laws, and regulations governing accounting and financial management"
Justification Along with two other goals, this goal was consolidated into one goal, "Identify and effectively manage human and material resources critical to the success of the Department’s strategic goals." These measures were consolidated into the new measure "Provide accurate and timely financial information and conform to federal standards, laws, and regulations governing accounting and financial management."
Implement competitive sourcing
Change Measure reworded as "Effectively use competitive sourcing"
Justification This performance measure was revised to reflect the progress that had been made with the competitive sourcing initiative.
Funds obligated through performance-based contracting
Change Measure reworded as "Obligate funds through performance-based contracting"
Justification Revised wording to state in active tense.
Increase percentage of total obligations awarded as contracts to small businesses
Change Measure reworded as "Obligate contracts to small businesses"
Justification Reworded slightly to fit with other measures.
  • Small purchases made using credit cards
  • Ensure a secure workplace for all Commerce employees
  • Ensure a safe workplace for all Commerce employees
Change Measures discontinued
Justification These performance measures have been consistently met or exceeded since reporting began. DM will continue to track these indicators, but will no longer include them as performance measures.

Performance Goal: Strategic management of human capital (DM)
  • Strategic competencies—ensure competency in leadership and in mission-critical occupations
  • Strategic competencies—ensure diverse candidate recruitment
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of hiring systems using the Commerce Opportunities On-Line (COOL) System
  • Increase the alignment of performance management with mission accomplishment
Change Measures consolidated into one measure "Acquire and maintain diverse and highly qualified staff in mission critical occupations"
Justification This new measure reflects a more outcome orientation.

Performance Goal: Acquire and manage the technology resources to support program goals (DM)
Transactions converted to electronic format
Change Measure discontinued
Justification This performance measure has been consistently met or exceeded since reporting began. DM will continue to track this indicator, but will no longer include it as a performance measure.
  • IT planning and investment review program maturity (on a scale of 0-5)
  • IT architecture program maturity (on a scale of 0-5)
  • IT security program maturity (on a scale of 0-5)
  • Percentage of IT system security plans completed
  • Percentage of IT systems certified and accredited
  • Percentage of unsuccessful intrusion attempts
Change Measures consolidated into one measure "Improve the management of information technology"
Justification Along with two other goals, this goal was consolidated into one goal, "Identify and effectively manage human and material resources critical to the success of the Department’s strategic goals." These corresponding measures were consolidated into a new performance measure, "Improve the management of information technology" under the new performance goal.

Performance Goal: Promote improvements to Commerce programs and operations by identifying and completing work that (1) promotes integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness; and (2) prevents and detects fraud, waste, and abuse (OIG)
Percentage of Commerce’s management challenges, stakeholder concerns and other critical issues addressed by OIG work products
Change Measure deleted
Justification By deleting this measure, OIG can focus on the key few measures that best reflect organizational performance.


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