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The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Most NY arts groups face cuts amid weak donations

Knight fund plans to cut costs, not grants, due to investment losses

A look at the top gifts of 2008

Charities urged to change gift annuity policies as economy worsens

Calif. foundations pledge $30-million to help minorities

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Elsewhere Online

Seattle lung charity ordered by court to cut ties to national group

Bush library foundation will not disclose donors

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Surviving Tough Times

Read our guide for managing charities through a recession


The social-media expert Allison Fine discusses how nonprofit groups are using online tools for fund raising and advocacy.


How online fund raising is faring in the recession

Fund raisers need to seize on new opportunities in recession

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Government and Politics Watch

U.S. aid agency issues final rule for controversial security program

Service coalitions propose 'nonprofit stimulus package'

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Philanthropy News

From the Shadows
The wife of eBay's founder, Pam Omidyar, is using her philanthropy to shine a spotlight on global human rights.

Church and State
A ruling against the Internal Revenue Service could make it harder for the federal government to audit religious groups.

Economy's Damage
A new report shows the recession is already having a big effect on many nonprofit organizations.

A New Matchmaker
Two businessmen are leading an effort to match donors with fast-growth charities.

Worth the Price?
Charities are thinking twice about using expensive executive-search firms.

A Maverick's Defense
A controversial fund raiser says in a new book that society's views are limiting the ability of charities to do good.

Streamlining Grant Seeking
Foundations are working to simplify the process of submitting proposals for aid.

Why Donors Stop Giving
Many wealthy contributors feel disconnected from the groups they support and halt their donations, a new survey finds.

The Economy's Toll
As many as 100,000 nonprofit groups could fail in the next two years, an expert predicts.

A New Era for Charities?
Nonprofit groups are pushing President-elect Barack Obama to move quickly to get charities and volunteers involved in solving the nation's problems.

Stock Market and Big Gifts
As stocks plunge in value, donations of $1-million to $50-million are the most vulnerable, if history is a guide.

Worry-Free Fund Raising
Lincoln Center's president offers a primer on winning donations, even in tough times.

Philanthropy's Agenda
Nonprofit leaders offer advice on what Barack Obama can do to aid charities and foundations.

Rethinking Nonprofit Jobs
Competition and the bad economy have forced charities and workers to get creative.

article illustration

Budget concerns prompted a theater in Ann Arbor, Mich., to cancel its March performance of Richard III: an Arab Tragedy (Photograph by Ellie Kurttz)

Tough Times for the Arts
As social services become a priority for donors amid the recession, many arts and cultural organizations are laying off staff members, scaling back on programs — and even facing the possibility of closing.

The Face of Philanthropy

Photo illustration

Polar Bears International works to keep polar bears from going extinct.

Give and Take

Angelina Jolie tops list of celebrity humanitarians

Charity experts debate need for better nonprofit salaries

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Photo illustration

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The Obama Transition
Where are all the people with real-world experience in promoting change?

Partisan Politics
The nonprofit world should be careful not to alienate Republicans.

Strengthening the Safety Net
The nation's economic recovery depends on America's ability to give poor people a chance to increase their earnings.

Merger Mania
Mergers can be an essential tool as charities seek to thrive in hard times.

Watch the CEO
To figure out whether a charity makes a difference, look at its leader.

A Good Investment
Building a network of strong supporters is the best thing a charity can do to survive hard times.

Charities and Business
Nonprofit leaders should rethink 'social enterprise,' and not run away from it because of the bad economy.

It's Time to Give More
Foundations have no excuse to keep hoarding their money as charities and the entire nation face unprecedented challenges.

The Failure of Conservative Philanthropy?
What's next for conservative foundations now that the Democrats had a sweeping victory on Election Day.

How to Heal the Divide
After a bitter election battle, it's time for all nonprofit groups to help the new president create a government that people can trust.

A New Generation
Young people are combining politics and charity to bring about change.

How Foundations Can Do Better
Grant makers need to do more to ensure that program officers bring the best ideas forward.

Philanthropy in Hard Times
What grant makers should do as the economy tightens.

Agenda for January
The new president needs to encourage charities to be accountable -- and charities must also hold him to account.

Getting Bang for the Buck
Charities must seek ways to become more efficient without sacrificing quality.

More opinion |
Visit the forums

New Books

Summaries of publications on fund raising, philanthropy, and managing nonprofit organizations.

Guide to Grants

More than $250-million, from the December 11 issue.

Online Discussions

Read the transcript of our recent discussion about the 2009 outlook for nonprofit groups.

See our previous discussions

America's Top Donors

Use our new database to search for gifts of $1-million or more made this year and find out who is giving the most.


Conferences, workshops, and other meetings about nonprofit organizations and donors.

Also of Interest

One University, 2 Decades
The University of Kansas has added significantly to its facilities, equipment, and personnel since 1988, which more than tripled its spending. Enrollment has remained about the same, and tuition and fees increased fivefold.

Front page | Jobs

Philanthropy Careers

More than 180 positions available with 30 just added.


See articles and resources for seasoned professionals seeking charity jobs or volunteer assignments.


See news about that appointment and other personnel changes in the nonprofit world.

Products & Services

Guide to Managing Nonprofits: Organizations that specialize in advising nonprofit groups.

Continuing-Education Guide: Organizations that provide continuing education to nonprofit executives.

Technology Guide: Organizations that provide technology products and services to nonprofit organizations.

Fund-Raising Services Guide: Organizations that provide products and services to nonprofit groups.

Employer Profiles: In-depth information provided by nonprofit employers.

Chronicle Surveys

See The Chronicle's new survey of executive pay at the nation's largest charities and foundations.

Foundation giving
Learn about the giving plans, assets, and grant making of the nation's wealthiest foundations.

Philanthropy 50
See the Americans who donated the most to charity in 2007.

Corporate giving
Examine giving patterns by the largest companies in the United States.

Online giving
See how the nation's biggest charities are faring in collecting donations via the Internet.

Philanthropy 400
Find the 400 organizations that raised the most money from private sources.

More surveys


New awards to honor achievements by nonprofit leaders and organizations.

Copyright (c) 2009 The Chronicle of Philanthropy