There is also additional background information for this table group.

Contents for Table

Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  Own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     Employment  Employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Asian alone


 Total                                     459               99               360         209         144          59         44          190


Under 18 years                             119               12               107          64          41           0          8           57
 Under 6 years                              23                4                19          14          12           0          2            9
 6 to 11 years                              31                2                30           9           9           0          0           22
 12 to 17 years                             65                7                58          40          20           0          6           26
18 to 24 years                              66               12                54          48          29          13         10           10
25 to 34 years                              52               21                31          23          21          14          2           12
35 to 44 years                              55               25                30          23          20          13          7           10
45 to 54 years                              53               17                37          26          18           7          8           11
55 to 64 years                              37                7                30          14          12           8          2           18
Under 65 years                             383               95               289         198         141          56         36          118
65 years and over                           76                4                72          11           3           3          8           72


Male                                       215               54               161          95          63          35         16           83
Female                                     245               45               199         114          81          24         28          107


Native                                     187               28               158          96          50          15         22           87
Foreign-born                               273               71               202         113          94          44         22          103
 Naturalized citizen                       151               28               123          61          47          25         11           72
 Not a citizen                             121               42                79          52          47          20         11           31


Northeast                                   76                7                69          32          23          13          6           45
Midwest                                     72               29                42          27          27          12          3           17
South                                       84               27                57          42          37          12          3           19
West                                       228               37               192         108          57          22         33          109

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  Own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     Employment  Employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Household Relationship

In families                                366               77               289         169         128          44         28          146
Householders                                96               15                81          46          39          32          9           40
 Under 65 years                             80               15                65          45          39          31          8           24
 65 years and over                          16                0                16           1           0           0          0           16
 Spouse present                             69                7                62          34          30          23          5           33
 No spouse present                          27                8                19          12           9           9          3            7
Spouses of householders                     58               15                43          21          19           7          2           28
 Under 65 years                             43               15                28          20          19           7          2           13
 65 years and over                          15                0                15           1           0           0          0           15
Children of householders                   124               25                99          54          52           4          6           55
 Under 6 years                              23                4                19          14          12           0          2            9
 6 to 11 years                              30                2                28           9           9           0          0           21
 12 to 17 years                             32                1                31          16          16           0          0           19
 > 17 years                                 39               18                21          15          14           4          4            7
Other relatives of householders             89               22                66          47          19           2         11           23
In unrelated subfamilies                     4                0                 4           4           0           0          4            4
Unrelated individuals                       89               22                67          37          16          15         12           40

In married-couple families                 244               48               196         105          97          35         14          112
Husbands                                    64                9                55          30          28          25          4           31
 Under 65 years                             48                9                39          29          27          25          3           15
 65 years and over                          16                0                16           1           0           0          0           16
Wives                                       64               13                50          25          21           4          4           30
 Under 65 years                             48               13                35          24          21           4          3           15
 65 years and over                          15                0                15           1           0           0          0           15
Children under 18 years                     67                4                63          33          31           0          2           40
 Under 6 years                              15                2                14          11           9           0          2            8
 6 to 11 years                              23                0                23           8           8           0          0           17
 12 to 17 years                             28                2                26          14          14           0          0           16

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  Own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     Employment  Employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

In families with male
householders, no spouse present             59               16                43          36          19           5          0           11
Householders                                 9                3                 6           5           5           5          0            1
 Under 65 years                              9                3                 6           5           5           5          0            1
 65 years and over                           0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
Children under 18                           26                5                21          18           4           0          0            7
 Under 6 years                               0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
 6 to 11 years                               0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
 12 to 17 years                             26                5                21          18           4           0          0            7

In families with female
householders, no spouse present             63               13                50          27          12           4         15           23
Householders                                18                5                13           8           4           4          3            6
 Under 65 years                             18                5                13           8           4           4          3            6
 65 years and over                           0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
Children under 18                           27                4                23          12           6           0          6           10
 Under 6 years                               7                2                 5           3           3           0          0            1
 6 to 11 years                               8                2                 6           1           1           0          0            5
 12 to 17 years                             11                0                11           8           1           0          6            4

Household Income

Less than $25,000                          230               53               177          83          59          30         18          109
$25,000 to $49,999                         217               42               175         120          83          28         23           79
$50,000 to $74,999                           6                2                 4           2           1           1          1            2
$75,000 or more                              7                2                 4           4           1           0          1            0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  Own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     Employment  Employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Family Income
(People in families,
in unrelated subfamilies,
or unrelated individuals)

All                                        459               99               360         209         144          59         44          190
  Less than $25,000                        267               66               202         102          69          38         28          118
  $25,000 to $49,999                       192               33               159         107          75          21         16           72
  $50,000 to $74,999                         0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
  $75,000 or more                            0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
In families or unrelated subfamilies       370               77               293         172         128          44         32          150
  Less than $25,000                        178               44               134          65          53          23         16           79
  $25,000 to $49,999                       192               33               159         107          75          21         16           72
  $50,000 to $74,999                         0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
  $75,000 or more                            0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
Unrelated individuals (15 or older)         89               22                67          37          16          15         12           40
  Less than $25,000                         89               22                67          37          16          15         12           40
  $25,000 to $49,999                         0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
  $50,000 to $74,999                         0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0
  $75,000 or more                            0                0                 0           0           0           0          0            0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  Own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     Employment  Employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

(Persons 18 years and over)

Total                                      340               87               254         146         103          59         36          133
No high school diploma                     123               29                94          23          15           4          8           74
High school grad,only                       85               25                59          41          27          24         12           22
Some college,no degree                      59                8                52          44          33          15         10           17
Associate degree                            12                3                 8           8           6           4          0            4
Bachelor's degree +                         62               21                41          30          21          11          6           15

Work experience
(Persons age 18 to 64)

Total                                      264               82               182         135         100          56         28           61
Worked during the year                     137               41                96          80          58          52         20           22
 Full-time                                  96               31                65          57          49          46         10           15
 Part-time                                  41               11                30          23           9           6         11            8
Did not work                               127               41                86          55          42           4          8           39

Firm Size
(workers age 18-64)

Total                                      137               41                96          80          58          52         20           22
Less than 25 employees                      68               25                43          34          23          20         16            9
25 to 99 employees                          16                2                14          12           9           6          0            4
100 to 499 employees                        10                1                10           7           7           7          0            5
500 to 999 employees                         7                0                 6           4           2           2          0            2
1000 or more employees                      36               13                23          23          17          17          5            2

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Asian alone


 Total                                       134          78                11           29           13            27


Under 18 years                                57           0                 0           14            0             0
 Under 6 years                                 9           0                 0            5            0             0
 6 to 11 years                                22           0                 0            2            0             0
 12 to 17 years                               26           0                 0            8            0             0
18 to 24 years                                 9           1                 0            4            0             0
25 to 34 years                                12           1                 0            5            1             1
35 to 44 years                                10           0                 0            3            0             0
45 to 54 years                                 6           4                 0            0            0             0
55 to 64 years                                 9           5                 5            0            1             2
Under 65 years                               104          11                 5           27            2             2
65 years and over                             29          67                 6            2           11            25


Male                                          56          35                 5           11            7            10
Female                                        78          43                 6           18            6            17


Native                                        71          22                 3           19            8             8
Foreign-born                                  62          56                 8           10            4            20
 Naturalized citizen                          42          46                 5            5            4            19
 Not a citizen                                21          10                 4            4            0             1


Northeast                                     37           8                 2            8            0             2
Midwest                                       13           4                 1            0            1             1
South                                          9           9                 2            4            0             0
West                                          75          56                 6           17           11            24

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Household Relationship

In families                                  108          46                 7           23            3            10
Householders                                  21          25                 2            4            1             6
 Under 65 years                               18           9                 0            4            1             2
 65 years and over                             3          16                 2            0            1             3
 Spouse present                               15          21                 2            4            1             4
 No spouse present                             6           3                 0            0            0             2
Spouses of householders                       17          14                 4            4            2             4
 Under 65 years                               10           1                 2            4            1             0
 65 years and over                             7          13                 2            0            1             4
Children of householders                      55           0                 0           10            0             0
 Under 6 years                                 9           0                 0            5            0             0
 6 to 11 years                                21           0                 0            2            0             0
 12 to 17 years                               19           0                 0            4            0             0
 > 17 years                                    7           0                 0            0            0             0
Other relatives of householders               15           7                 1            4            0             0
In unrelated subfamilies                       0           4                 0            0            4             0
Unrelated individuals                         26          28                 4            6            6            18

In married-couple families                    75          42                 7           19            3             8
Husbands                                      14          23                 2            4            3             6
 Under 65 years                                9           7                 0            4            2             1
 65 years and over                             5          16                 2            0            1             5
Wives                                         18          13                 4            4            1             2
 Under 65 years                               13           0                 2            4            0             0
 65 years and over                             5          13                 2            0            1             2
Children under 18 years                       40           0                 0           10            0             0
 Under 6 years                                 8           0                 0            5            0             0
 6 to 11 years                                17           0                 0            2            0             0
 12 to 17 years                               16           0                 0            4            0             0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

In families with male
householders, no spouse present               11           0                 0            4            0             0
Householders                                   1           0                 0            0            0             0
 Under 65 years                                1           0                 0            0            0             0
 65 years and over                             0           0                 0            0            0             0
Children under 18                              7           0                 0            4            0             0
 Under 6 years                                 0           0                 0            0            0             0
 6 to 11 years                                 0           0                 0            0            0             0
 12 to 17 years                                7           0                 0            4            0             0

In families with female
householders, no spouse present               21           4                 0            0            0             2
Householders                                   4           3                 0            0            0             2
 Under 65 years                                4           3                 0            0            0             2
 65 years and over                             0           0                 0            0            0             0
Children under 18                             10           0                 0            0            0             0
 Under 6 years                                 1           0                 0            0            0             0
 6 to 11 years                                 5           0                 0            0            0             0
 12 to 17 years                                4           0                 0            0            0             0

Household Income

Less than $25,000                             77          50                 6           10            7            24
$25,000 to $49,999                            55          26                 5           19            6             2
$50,000 to $74,999                             2           2                 0            0            0             2
$75,000 or more                                0           0                 0            0            0             0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Family Income
(People in families,
in unrelated subfamilies,
or unrelated individuals)

All                                          134          78                11           29           13            27
  Less than $25,000                           82          58                 6           10           11            27
  $25,000 to $49,999                          52          20                 5           19            2             1
  $50,000 to $74,999                           0           0                 0            0            0             0
  $75,000 or more                              0           0                 0            0            0             0
In families or unrelated subfamilies         108          50                 7           23            7            10
  Less than $25,000                           56          30                 2            4            5             9
  $25,000 to $49,999                          52          20                 5           19            2             1
  $50,000 to $74,999                           0           0                 0            0            0             0
  $75,000 or more                              0           0                 0            0            0             0
Unrelated individuals (15 or older)           26          28                 4            6            6            18
  Less than $25,000                           26          28                 4            6            6            18
  $25,000 to $49,999                           0           0                 0            0            0             0
  $50,000 to $74,999                           0           0                 0            0            0             0
  $75,000 or more                              0           0                 0            0            0             0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

(Persons 18 years and over)

Total                                         76          78                11           14           13            27
No high school diploma                        46          48                 5            2            2            24
High school grad,only                         14           9                 2            1            4             1
Some college,no degree                         7          10                 0            4            5             0
Associate degree                               4           2                 0            4            2             2
Bachelor's degree +                            5           9                 4            4            0             1

Work experience
(Persons age 18 to 64)

Total                                         47          11                 5           13            2             2
Worked during the year                        18           3                 2            7            1             1
 Full-time                                    13           1                 2            7            1             1
 Part-time                                     5           2                 0            0            0             0
Did not work                                  29           8                 3            6            1             2

Firm Size
(workers age 18-64)

Total                                         18           3                 2            7            1             1
Less than 25 employees                         6           1                 2            0            0             0
25 to 99 employees                             2           1                 0            2            0             0
100 to 499 employees                           5           1                 0            3            1             1
500 to 999 employees                           2           0                 0            0            0             0
1000 or more employees                         2           0                 0            2            0             0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     employment  employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Asian alone


 Total                                   100.0             21.6              78.4        45.6        31.3        12.8        9.6         41.4


Under 18 years                           100.0             10.3              89.7        53.5        34.6         0.0        6.8         48.3
 Under 6 years                           100.0             17.5              82.5        62.7        53.8         0.0        8.9         40.5
 6 to 11 years                           100.0              5.5              94.5        30.1        30.1         0.0        0.0         70.8
 12 to 17 years                          100.0             10.2              89.8        61.5        30.1         0.0        9.3         40.1
18 to 24 years                           100.0             18.8              81.2        72.7        43.1        19.9       14.7         15.2
25 to 34 years                           100.0             40.6              59.4        45.2        41.0        27.7        3.5         23.4
35 to 44 years                           100.0             45.4              54.6        42.2        36.1        24.1       12.2         18.5
45 to 54 years                           100.0             31.3              68.7        48.4        33.2        13.2       15.2         20.2
55 to 64 years                           100.0             18.8              81.2        37.7        32.8        21.3        4.9         47.0
Under 65 years                           100.0             24.7              75.3        51.8        36.8        14.6        9.5         30.9
65 years and over                        100.0              5.8              94.2        14.2         4.0         4.0       10.4         94.2


Male                                     100.0             25.0              75.0        44.3        29.3        16.1        7.5         38.6
Female                                   100.0             18.6              81.4        46.6        33.2         9.9       11.5         43.8


Native                                   100.0             15.2              84.8        51.6        26.7         7.9       11.7         46.7
Foreign-born                             100.0             25.9              74.1        41.4        34.5        16.2        8.2         37.7
 Naturalized citizen                     100.0             18.8              81.2        40.1        31.2        16.3        7.5         47.3
 Not a citizen                           100.0             34.7              65.3        43.0        38.6        16.1        9.1         25.7


Northeast                                100.0              9.0              91.0        42.6        30.0        16.7        7.8         59.3
Midwest                                  100.0             40.8              59.2        37.3        37.3        16.8        4.2         23.8
South                                    100.0             31.6              68.4        50.1        44.7        14.4        3.3         22.8
West                                     100.0             16.0              84.0        47.5        25.0         9.7       14.3         47.7

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     employment  employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Household Relationship

In families                              100.0             21.0              79.0        46.0        35.0        12.1        7.8         40.0
Householders                             100.0             15.5              84.5        48.0        40.7        32.9        9.0         41.7
 Under 65 years                          100.0             18.6              81.4        56.6        48.2        39.0       10.3         30.2
 65 years and over                       100.0              0.0             100.0         4.6         2.2         2.2        2.4        100.0
 Spouse present                          100.0             10.3              89.7        49.1        43.6        32.9        7.7         47.9
 No spouse present                       100.0             28.8              71.2        45.4        33.1        33.1       12.3         25.8
Spouses of householders                  100.0             26.0              74.0        36.3        32.4        11.9        3.8         48.7
 Under 65 years                          100.0             35.3              64.7        47.6        43.3        15.4        4.3         30.2
 65 years and over                       100.0              0.0             100.0         4.7         2.2         2.2        2.5        100.0
Children of householders                 100.0             20.1              79.9        43.7        41.7         3.0        5.0         44.6
 Under 6 years                           100.0             17.5              82.5        62.7        53.8         0.0        8.9         40.5
 6 to 11 years                           100.0              5.8              94.2        31.8        31.8         0.0        0.0         69.1
 12 to 17 years                          100.0              4.3              95.7        48.3        48.3         0.0        0.0         58.7
 > 17 years                              100.0             45.4              54.6        37.9        37.0         9.6       10.5         16.7
Other relatives of householders          100.0             25.0              75.0        53.6        21.1         2.3       12.9         26.0
In unrelated subfamilies                 100.0              0.0             100.0       100.0         0.0         0.0      100.0        100.0
Unrelated individuals                    100.0             24.7              75.3        41.3        17.7        16.3       13.5         44.6

In married-couple families               100.0             19.7              80.3        43.2        39.8        14.5        5.6         46.0
Husbands                                 100.0             14.1              85.9        47.0        43.5        39.9        5.9         48.8
 Under 65 years                          100.0             18.8              81.2        61.0        57.2        52.3        7.1         32.0
 65 years and over                       100.0              0.0             100.0         4.6         2.2         2.2        2.4        100.0
Wives                                    100.0             20.9              79.1        39.4        33.5         6.7        5.9         47.7
 Under 65 years                          100.0             27.5              72.5        50.5        43.5         8.1        7.0         31.0
 65 years and over                       100.0              0.0             100.0         4.7         2.2         2.2        2.5        100.0
Children under 18 years                  100.0              5.4              94.6        49.5        46.5         0.0        3.0         60.5
 Under 6 years                           100.0             10.1              89.9        69.9        56.8         0.0       13.1         50.3
 6 to 11 years                           100.0              0.0             100.0        35.4        35.4         0.0        0.0         73.0
 12 to 17 years                          100.0              7.4              92.6        50.0        50.0         0.0        0.0         55.5

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     employment  employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

In families with male
householders, no spouse present          100.0             27.6              72.4        60.8        31.7         7.8        0.0         18.5
Householders                             100.0             34.2              65.8        52.3        52.3        52.3        0.0         13.6
 Under 65 years                          100.0             34.2              65.8        52.3        52.3        52.3        0.0         13.6
 65 years and over                          .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
Children under 18                        100.0             17.9              82.1        72.4        16.0         0.0        0.0         25.8
 Under 6 years                              .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
 6 to 11 years                              .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
 12 to 17 years                          100.0             17.9              82.1        72.4        16.0         0.0        0.0         25.8

In families with female
householders, no spouse present          100.0             20.0              80.0        42.9        19.5         6.8       23.5         37.0
Householders                             100.0             26.2              73.8        42.0        23.7        23.7       18.4         31.8
 Under 65 years                          100.0             26.2              73.8        42.0        23.7        23.7       18.4         31.8
 65 years and over                          .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
Children under 18                        100.0             15.4              84.6        45.4        22.7         0.0       22.7         39.2
 Under 6 years                           100.0             32.9              67.1        47.5        47.5         0.0        0.0         19.6
 6 to 11 years                           100.0             21.7              78.3        14.3        14.3         0.0        0.0         64.0
 12 to 17 years                          100.0              0.0             100.0        65.5        12.9         0.0       52.6         34.5

Household Income

Less than $25,000                        100.0             22.9              77.1        36.0        25.7        13.0        7.9         47.6
$25,000 to $49,999                       100.0             19.3              80.7        55.3        38.2        13.1       10.8         36.4
$50,000 to $74,999                       100.0             37.8              62.2        35.6        10.6        10.6       25.0         26.5
$75,000 or more                          100.0             33.4              66.6        66.6        18.5         0.0       18.6          0.0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     employment  employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

Family Income
(People in families,
in unrelated subfamilies,
or unrelated individuals)

All                                      100.0             21.6              78.4        45.6        31.3        12.8        9.6         41.4
  Less than $25,000                      100.0             24.6              75.4        38.2        25.8        14.0       10.4         44.3
  $25,000 to $49,999                     100.0             17.4              82.6        55.8        39.1        11.2        8.5         37.3
  $50,000 to $74,999                        .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
  $75,000 or more                           .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
In families or unrelated subfamilies     100.0             20.8              79.2        46.6        34.6        12.0        8.7         40.6
  Less than $25,000                      100.0             24.5              75.5        36.6        29.8        12.9        8.9         44.2
  $25,000 to $49,999                     100.0             17.4              82.6        55.8        39.1        11.2        8.5         37.3
  $50,000 to $74,999                        .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
  $75,000 or more                           .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
Unrelated individuals (15 or older)      100.0             24.7              75.3        41.3        17.7        16.3       13.5         44.6
  Less than $25,000                      100.0             24.7              75.3        41.3        17.7        16.3       13.5         44.6
  $25,000 to $49,999                        .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
  $50,000 to $74,999                        .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .
  $75,000 or more                           .                .                 .           .           .           .          .            .

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                 Covered by                                Covered by
                                                Not covered      some type of      Covered by  Covered by  own         Direct-    Covered by
                                                at any time      health insurance  private     employment  employment  purchase   government
                                      Total     during the year  during the year   insurance   based       based       insurance  health plan
                                      ________  _______________  ________________  __________  __________  __________  _________  ___________

(Persons 18 years and over)

Total                                    100.0             25.5              74.5        42.8        30.2        17.3       10.6         39.0
No high school diploma                   100.0             24.0              76.0        18.6        12.4         3.2        6.4         60.5
High school grad,only                    100.0             29.7              70.3        49.0        32.3        28.6       14.0         26.2
Some college,no degree                   100.0             12.7              87.3        74.2        56.6        25.7       17.3         28.3
Associate degree                         100.0             28.6              71.4        68.1        51.1        36.4        0.0         36.7
Bachelor's degree +                      100.0             34.4              65.6        47.6        33.6        18.3       10.1         24.3

Work experience
(Persons age 18 to 64)

Total                                    100.0             31.2              68.8        51.1        37.8        21.1       10.7         23.0
Worked during the year                   100.0             30.2              69.8        58.5        42.3        38.2       14.9         16.2
 Full-time                               100.0             32.0              68.0        59.8        50.9        48.2       10.0         15.3
 Part-time                               100.0             26.0              74.0        55.6        22.3        14.8       26.2         18.4
Did not work                             100.0             32.3              67.7        43.0        32.9         2.8        6.2         30.3

Firm Size
(workers age 18-64)

Total                                    100.0             30.2              69.8        58.5        42.3        38.2       14.9         16.2
Less than 25 employees                   100.0             37.1              62.9        50.1        33.4        29.1       23.0         12.8
25 to 99 employees                       100.0             14.1              85.9        76.8        53.2        39.7        0.0         22.1
100 to 499 employees                     100.0              5.8              94.2        70.9        70.9        65.7        0.0         50.1
500 to 999 employees                     100.0              5.9              94.1        58.5        31.3        31.3        0.0         35.7
1000 or more employees                   100.0             35.7              64.3        62.7        48.1        48.1       13.2          6.9

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Asian alone


 Total                                      29.1        16.9               2.4          6.3          2.8           6.0


Under 18 years                              48.3         0.0               0.0         12.1          0.0           0.0
 Under 6 years                              40.5         0.0               0.0         20.6          0.0           0.0
 6 to 11 years                              70.8         0.0               0.0          6.3          0.0           0.0
 12 to 17 years                             40.1         0.0               0.0         11.9          0.0           0.0
18 to 24 years                              13.0         2.2               0.0          6.6          0.0           0.0
25 to 34 years                              23.4         1.0               0.0          9.2          1.0           1.0
35 to 44 years                              18.5         0.0               0.0          6.1          0.0           0.0
45 to 54 years                              12.1         8.1               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
55 to 64 years                              25.1        12.5              14.2          0.0          3.5           4.8
Under 65 years                              27.2         2.9               1.4          7.0          0.5           0.6
65 years and over                           38.5        87.3               7.4          2.4         14.2          32.9


Male                                        26.1        16.1               2.4          5.1          3.1           4.9
Female                                      31.7        17.6               2.4          7.2          2.5           6.9


Native                                      38.1        11.8               1.4         10.3          4.5           4.2
Foreign-born                                22.9        20.4               3.1          3.5          1.5           7.2
 Naturalized citizen                        27.6        30.5               3.2          3.5          2.8          12.5
 Not a citizen                              17.1         7.9               2.9          3.5          0.0           0.6


Northeast                                   48.4        10.7               2.5         10.7          0.3           2.4
Midwest                                     18.2         5.9               1.7          0.0          1.8           1.7
South                                       10.3        10.5               2.0          4.6          0.0           0.0
West                                        33.0        24.7               2.8          7.4          4.9          10.7

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Household Relationship

In families                                 29.4        12.6               1.9          6.3          0.9           2.7
Householders                                21.9        25.7               2.3          4.5          1.3           5.9
 Under 65 years                             22.0        11.1               0.0          5.4          0.7           2.9
 65 years and over                          21.3       100.0              14.2          0.0          4.6          21.3
 Spouse present                             22.5        31.1               3.3          6.3          1.8           5.6
 No spouse present                          20.4        12.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           6.6
Spouses of householders                     28.7        24.1               6.7          7.5          3.5           7.0
 Under 65 years                             23.4         3.0               3.8         10.1          3.0           0.0
 65 years and over                          43.7        82.9              14.6          0.0          4.7          26.5
Children of householders                    44.6         0.0               0.0          8.3          0.0           0.0
 Under 6 years                              40.5         0.0               0.0         20.6          0.0           0.0
 6 to 11 years                              69.1         0.0               0.0          6.7          0.0           0.0
 12 to 17 years                             58.7         0.0               0.0         11.3          0.0           0.0
 > 17 years                                 16.7         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
Other relatives of householders             16.7         8.3               1.0          4.6          0.0           0.0
In unrelated subfamilies                     0.0       100.0               0.0          0.0        100.0           0.0
Unrelated individuals                       29.1        31.1               4.4          6.4          6.3          19.7

In married-couple families                  30.9        17.2               2.9          7.8          1.3           3.3
Husbands                                    22.2        35.8               3.5          6.8          4.0           9.1
 Under 65 years                             18.5        14.6               0.0          9.1          3.8           1.1
 65 years and over                          33.4       100.0              14.3          0.0          4.6          33.4
Wives                                       28.5        20.0               6.1          6.8          1.1           3.4
 Under 65 years                             27.6         0.0               3.4          9.0          0.0           0.0
 65 years and over                          31.2        82.9              14.6          0.0          4.7          14.1
Children under 18 years                     60.5         0.0               0.0         15.4          0.0           0.0
 Under 6 years                              50.3         0.0               0.0         30.4          0.0           0.0
 6 to 11 years                              73.0         0.0               0.0          8.5          0.0           0.0
 12 to 17 years                             55.5         0.0               0.0         12.9          0.0           0.0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

In families with male
householders, no spouse present             18.5         0.0               0.0          6.9          0.0           0.0
Householders                                13.6         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
 Under 65 years                             13.6         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
 65 years and over                            .           .                 .            .            .             .
Children under 18                           25.8         0.0               0.0         16.0          0.0           0.0
 Under 6 years                                .           .                 .            .            .             .
 6 to 11 years                                .           .                 .            .            .             .
 12 to 17 years                             25.8         0.0               0.0         16.0          0.0           0.0

In families with female
householders, no spouse present             33.6         6.3               0.0          0.0          0.0           2.8
Householders                                23.7        17.9               0.0          0.0          0.0           9.8
 Under 65 years                             23.7        17.9               0.0          0.0          0.0           9.8
 65 years and over                            .           .                 .            .            .             .
Children under 18                           39.2         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
 Under 6 years                              19.6         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
 6 to 11 years                              64.0         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
 12 to 17 years                             34.5         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0

Household Income

Less than $25,000                           33.7        21.9               2.7          4.3          3.1          10.3
$25,000 to $49,999                          25.1        11.9               2.2          8.7          2.6           1.0
$50,000 to $74,999                          26.5        26.5               0.0          0.0          0.0          26.5
$75,000 or more                              0.0         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

Family Income
(People in families,
in unrelated subfamilies,
or unrelated individuals)

All                                         29.1        16.9               2.4          6.3          2.8           6.0
  Less than $25,000                         30.7        21.7               2.3          3.7          4.0          10.1
  $25,000 to $49,999                        26.9        10.2               2.5          9.8          1.0           0.3
  $50,000 to $74,999                          .           .                 .            .            .             .
  $75,000 or more                             .           .                 .            .            .             .
In families or unrelated subfamilies        29.1        13.5               1.9          6.2          1.9           2.6
  Less than $25,000                         31.4        17.0               1.3          2.4          2.9           5.2
  $25,000 to $49,999                        26.9        10.2               2.5          9.8          1.0           0.3
  $50,000 to $74,999                          .           .                 .            .            .             .
  $75,000 or more                             .           .                 .            .            .             .
Unrelated individuals (15 or older)         29.1        31.1               4.4          6.4          6.3          19.7
  Less than $25,000                         29.1        31.1               4.4          6.4          6.3          19.7
  $25,000 to $49,999                          .           .                 .            .            .             .
  $50,000 to $74,999                          .           .                 .            .            .             .
  $75,000 or more                             .           .                 .            .            .             .

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
Table HI04. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by Selected Characteristics for Near Poor People
in the Poverty Universe: 2004
Asian Alone

(Numbers in thousands.  The 2004 data have been revised to reflect a correction in the weights in the 2005 ASEC and a
 modification to the process that assigns coverage to non-policy holders)

                                                                                Covered by   Covered by
                                                              Covered by        Medicaid     Medicare     Covered by
                                      Covered by  Covered by  military related  and private  and private  Medicare and
                                      Medicaid    Medicare    health care       insurance    insurance    Medicaid
                                      __________  __________  ________________  ___________  ___________  ____________

(Persons 18 years and over)

Total                                       22.4        22.8               3.2          4.2          3.7           8.1
No high school diploma                      37.6        38.8               3.8          1.7          1.4          19.4
High school grad,only                       16.2        10.7               2.3          0.6          4.8           0.6
Some college,no degree                      12.1        16.1               0.5          7.3          7.8           0.0
Associate degree                            33.8        18.8               2.9         30.5         18.8          15.8
Bachelor's degree +                          8.4        14.7               6.1          6.2          0.0           1.9

Work experience
(Persons age 18 to 64)

Total                                       17.7         4.2               2.0          4.7          0.7           0.9
Worked during the year                      13.2         2.0               1.4          4.9          0.4           0.4
 Full-time                                  13.3         0.6               2.0          7.1          0.6           0.6
 Part-time                                  13.0         5.4               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
Did not work                                22.6         6.5               2.7          4.5          1.0           1.4

Firm Size
(workers age 18-64)

Total                                       13.2         2.0               1.4          4.9          0.4           0.4
Less than 25 employees                       8.8         1.1               2.8          0.0          0.0           0.0
25 to 99 employees                          13.1         9.1               0.0         13.1          0.0           0.0
100 to 499 employees                        50.1         5.2               0.0         26.8          5.2           5.2
500 to 999 employees                        35.7         0.0               0.0          0.0          0.0           0.0
1000 or more employees                       6.9         0.0               0.0          5.3          0.0           0.0
Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

Race Footnotes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Housing and Household Economic Statistics Information Staff at (301)763-3242
Last revised: May 16, 2007